Comments on A Deadly Hunting Season In Wisconsin

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Did you see the report about the possible previous murder this guy committed? A few years ago, another hunter was found killed under somewhat similar circumstances. Now they are looking into the possibility that Vang did it.

Meanwhile, one of his children makes a statement that he/she is shocked at the allegations, that Vang is a loving father and husband. I feel so sorry for that child, to be educated in the deceptive and secretive ways of evil in such a personally disruptive way. Vang could be a good father and STILL be a vicious murderer, in situations outside the family. Some people love their own family but consider strangers outside the family to be nothing more than animals to be slaughtered. Such a limited view of humanity they have.

Some people in my own family have a limited view. They think nothing of calling for the destruction of an entire city in Iraq, destroying thousands of innocent citizens to get a few dozen terrorists. My heart sinks when I hear people close to me say such things. They seem to be blind to the humanity of people they disagree with. Vang must have had an extreme view like this, and acted on it in a horrible way.

posted by GoldenMean on November 28, 2004 at 11:47 PM | link to this | reply

GoldenMean.  I wasn't trying to exonerate rate his murerous actions, just throwing in that extenuating circumstances generally exist.  However, in this case, none that justifies his murdering several people.

posted by saul_relative on November 27, 2004 at 2:38 PM | link to this | reply

Vang is a murderer.....
No matter what additional facts may be brought to light. He shot at least one victim in the back. There is no justification for that. A misunderstanding of the concept of private property will not save him.

This is a great tragedy. Vang has a wife and several children. He had no prior criminal record. How could he be such a fool as to throw away his family's welfare, for some mis-perceived insult from fellow hunters? He was a foreigner trying to participate in a uniquely American tradition of deer-hunting. If he had any sense at all, he would have apologized and deferred to the natives. Instead, he murdered the natives. Let us not try to justify his despicable actions. There is already enough evidence for me to declare him guilty of murder. Let history be my judge.

posted by GoldenMean on November 25, 2004 at 1:19 AM | link to this | reply