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I really wish you were not so blind to what Bush has been doing. it is amazing as to what some will defend. bush has lied ot eh world. he has sent our men to war when it was not needed. He hs allowed for the country to fall while he sets his priorities elsewhere. Him and Chaney are setting themselves up to be very rich when they leave office, at the expense of the country itself. I have no doubt that Bush will not remember as being a great leader, but as being the president who ruined America.

posted by kooka_lives on November 3, 2004 at 2:22 PM | link to this | reply

the same things were said about Lincoln and Churchill
History has proved them right. I think it will be the same with Bush.
You think Bush is obsessed with Iraq. Neville Chamberlain and much of England thought that about Churchill re Hitler. Lincoln's veracity, motives, and intelligence were questioned, mocked, and otherwise derided by his critics. The world thought Iraq was a threat in 1991. It kept regarding it as one for a decade. The UN's drawing and redrawing of the line in the sand has to be the most futile and naive policy in recent history. Naive, foolish, and dangerous. A few heads of state recognized that. Thank God ours was one of them.

Men who stand by their convictions at the risk of their popularity are remembered by history as great. Cowards, appeasers, and ostriches are not.

posted by AnCatubh on November 3, 2004 at 1:59 PM | link to this | reply

So lets have Bush in charge who as already made it beyond clear that he cares not at all for our country, but instead will keep on with his obsession with Iraq and not pull out any time in the near future, but leave us there to weaken our military, waste our tax dollars and just let the country itself go to hell.

posted by kooka_lives on November 3, 2004 at 7:30 AM | link to this | reply

massive voter turnout
can also mean that the Republican base has no intention of seeing that heretic become president. We're always underestimated by the Left. Read the break down in the next week. Catholics, Baptists, Evangelicals, and more Jews than anyone could have guessed went for Bush. I'm not talking about the sheep in the New England states who have pictures of JFK, Elvis, and the Pope on their walls.

We don't want state run religion-we don't all agree on matters of faith. But we do agree on this: There is a culture war going on and the stakes are very high. Unborn children, the sanctity of marriage, free exercise of religion, a secure nation to pursue our dreams, choice for schools. We see this country headed toward an MTV driven, push-button, know-nothing, government-dependent culturally vacuous wasteland.

We don't like itand we're not going away.

posted by AnCatubh on November 3, 2004 at 12:37 AM | link to this | reply