Comments on Two things I'll never understand..

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Whim..  I guess I put my foot in my mouth with my last comment..  Yes, I can think of women who dont' have an ounce of feminity to them, yet still like guys..  Hmmm..  

Taps..   Instead of a long comment back here.. I just posted a new blog..  I hope it sheds some light,  and you'll see that I dont think this was a person calling out of need, but someone with alterior motives, even though I'd never turn my back on her if she needed me.

posted by daisysface on September 24, 2004 at 1:50 PM | link to this | reply


When I originally responded, I was thinking of two girls I grew up with.  Both were ranchers.  Neither really showed much feminity even in the way they walked or talked.  They liked men, but they came off very masculine in the mannerisms and they way they preferred to dress. 

But I do understand the intent of the post.  It simply triggered other thoughts. 

posted by Whim on September 24, 2004 at 11:58 AM | link to this | reply

DaisyFace - Your post made me sad in many ways. But, the thing
that I really focused on was the way that the word "neighbor" is used in this day and age.   First of all, I want to say that I am in no way passing judgment on you personally.  We are pretty much all this way today.   I guard my privacy religiously and discourage new attempts at neighborliness.   By neighbor, I assume that you mean, lives near by.  It was sad to read that "he came to call two years ago" and "I have seen him around for two years" because it sounds that no friendship was born when that might have been what he needed.  He may have had a real need to voice his regrets to someone, to seek some help in learning to look more feminine.   By now, with some assistance, he might have felt better about himself and this might have been more apparent in his outer appearance.  

posted by TAPS. on September 24, 2004 at 11:31 AM | link to this | reply

Whim, I understand what you are saying..  I do think my point was missed or perhaps my intentions are misjudged.    A natural woman, no matter how unattractive or in her husbands clothing still has a sense of feminity to her.  I often wear my boyfriends clothes, in fact I wear men's white fruit of the loom underwear becuase it's comfortable, especially at night.    My point was that some one who'd put themselves through such a tramatic experience and want soo much to be a woman,   yet still lives and dresses as a man, minus thier penis.  I wonder if at all,  she has any regrets, and would rather had stayed a man and lived a gay life style because he still looks like a man.  And even though the sexual preference is of a gay nature,  I know many gay men more feminine,  yet perfectly happy with thier gender.

posted by daisysface on September 23, 2004 at 3:48 PM | link to this | reply

How different is that from a natural woman who is not attractive, has days when she doesn't wear makeup, and falls back on her husband's closet for clothes? 

posted by Whim on September 23, 2004 at 3:18 PM | link to this | reply