Comments on Fear Not

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my fault.  If your computer has small disk space and low RAM, that page is going to be a browser-crasher.  What happens is your browser loads the page in a temporary place inside your computer.  If your computer doesn't have the space then it simply won't load the page and it freezes.  Sorry about that, I can't do much about it.

Thanks for the comment.  It is greatly appreciated.

posted by Friar__Tuck on September 9, 2004 at 8:26 AM | link to this | reply

Friar_Tuck, I want to comment on your Blog, 7000+ Islands but.............

every time I have tried to do that, my computer freezes up.  I think it must be because there is so much to see and listen to.  After many frustrated attempts to comment there, I am commenting here about your other blog.   Your Blog, 7000+ Islands is wonderful.  It is well worth any amount of time spent looking at the photos, listening to the very interesting pictures, reading.   It is touring your country without the expenses and discomforts of traveling.  It is an oasis in a world of meaningless drivel in which I too often take part.   I notice that there are practically no comments anywhere in the whole blog.   I hope that people are visiting and enjoying as I do are just having trouble commenting.

posted by TAPS. on September 9, 2004 at 7:53 AM | link to this | reply