Comments on I am Pro Life

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the truth hurts

Whitewolf, war is a profane exercise by people who cannot solve problems peacefully. It is an antisocial exercise waged not by brave people but led by cowards. Sadly war is big business and while those self serving republicans like Arnold stand to make big bucks they'll mouth platitudes and denounce minorities.


Raven Darke

posted by RavenDarke on August 31, 2004 at 10:12 PM | link to this | reply

Hope Springs Eternal

Apparently you had the exact same shocked reaction I had to Mr. Paige's derision of hope. Funny...there was a banner in front of him about 100 feet high that read: "A More Hopeful America." Are the lights that bright in the Garden that he couldn't see it...or did he just chose to ignore it? The way Bush ignored the August brief regarding Bin Laden's plans to attack America, perhaps? Odd...the next three speakers all used the term "Hope" several times. See my latest blog for more. You are, as usual, right on target. Hope is the most important weapon we have against the threat of terrorism. Not smart bombs, not stealth bombers, not some kid from Iowa standing in downtown Fallujah waiting to get his head blown off.


posted by WhiteWolf359 on August 31, 2004 at 8:44 PM | link to this | reply