Comments on The Systemic Abuse of Children for Fun, Profit and Political Advantage

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...the only reason his ilk are pro-Life is so that they can people the armies that they send to their deaths for fun and profit.

I can not imagine what it must be like to think and believe as this monster does.  To be so far from salvation and so separated from one's own fundamental core.  It must be terribly lonely in there.  Terribly lonely and terribly insane.

Bush looks like a goat.  He looks like the son of a demon.  I can tell when someone has been baptized by Lucifer to worship the physical universe and all that that entails.  There is such confusion and sadness all around them.  They seem untouched by what they have pushed from their mind's awareness.  It is the terror that that reality comes back to its owner that keeps the truth locked out.

But bullshit always finds its owner.  And this has been one helluva shit storm, let me tell ya.

posted by Volaar on July 22, 2004 at 5:57 PM | link to this | reply

Bush is no kid lover (although he sure seemed to have a good time reading "The Little Goat" to that class on 9/11). He loves embryos and fetuses, but once the kid is born, he's outta there.

posted by lonebutte on July 22, 2004 at 1:52 PM | link to this | reply