Comments on Pro-Life Males? Care To Be Fined or Imprisoned For Masturbation?

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Thank You...

...but, here again, we can't paint everyone with the same broad brush strokes.  People need to know that they can choose to anything they want with their own damn bodies.  Our government USED TO care that each person had the confidence that their government would not oppress or oppose their right to freedom of choice in any way, shape or form.  Within reason, of course.  Murder of another is not allowed.

So if the whole pro-Life movement turns on the notion of whether abortion is murder, I'm sorry, I'm not on board.  The right of an adult woman to freely choose how her body will be used trumps the rights of a bunch of congregated cells or the rights of a few delusional sentimentalists to oppress the civil rights of women based purely on the fantasies instilled in them by their steadfast reliance on religious dogmatists to make their decisions for them.

I understand the shocking nature of my worldview on others not favorably predisposed to it.  I was once among the religionists who were convinced that their beliefs meant heavenly salvation.  No more.  I will not believe that a loving higher power is required to share my sentiments in order to be considered loving, only that He makes his sentiments insultingly obvious to all who earnestly seek and do His Will.  And if you actually believe that your God gives a rat's patoot about the sanctity of the human species, you have passed over the obvious matters of fact in favor of a juicy rationalization. 

Reread your Bible.  God created only ONE son.  That son wasn't just Jesus, but the whole of Christ consciousness, the whole of Life eternal.  Everything else is temporary and subject to revision on a fairly consistent basis.  Don't believe me?  Just ask a friendly neighborhood dinosaur, if you can find one.

posted by Volaar on July 10, 2004 at 3:05 PM | link to this | reply

I've read somewhere that
the trauma a rape or incest victim suffers from the abortion is far worse than being violated.  In fact, the victims that chose to go through with the pregnancy claimed that giving birth empowered them to overcome the tragedy of being violated (this was 100% interviewed for the study, if I remember it correctly).  something to think about. 

posted by Gheeghee on July 10, 2004 at 1:20 PM | link to this | reply