Comments on The Bunny is brunette again! Plus: A funny

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From Bunny to Whamenator
I see the images just fine. I wonder why you can't.

posted by Bunny on June 19, 2004 at 5:41 PM | link to this | reply

Hi Bunny, how's things? Natural color, eh? I went back to mine recently too but I did highlight it.

posted by Passionflower on June 19, 2004 at 4:09 PM | link to this | reply

Your images did not come up.........

I have been platinum blonde for so long, I believe it is my natural color, or at least it should be.    I have mental meltdowns when my roots begin to grow out and become clinically depressed when I cannot get to the hair stylist.  I envy you for your comfort level!!!! 

It certainly has to be a lot less expensive!  Goodness, for all I know, I might be gray, and just not know it (every now and then I check, but don't look for what you don't want to find, y'know?)

Have a wonderful day!

The Whamenator

posted by WHAMENATOR on June 19, 2004 at 7:31 AM | link to this | reply