Comments on antidisestablishmentarianism

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It's so frustrating that people look down on "liberals".  Sure, we all want to feel good, like Steelerman said.  Liberal try to make it so that we ALL feel good, whereas those who look down on that just want a chosen few to feel good.

Also, things are going to get chaotic.  It has the scent of revolution on it.  That's the way it is after suppressing people for so long.

posted by michellerenee143 on June 20, 2004 at 4:00 PM | link to this | reply

Good morning westwend.
Thanks for the comments westwend. I think you are right I know that if I were to find some services to go to my wife would happily be there. Hmmm... no I think I will leave the other comments where they belong. Good communicating with you. I have felt alone and mercilessly judged all my life. I am coming into a place where I have sloughed off the toxic effects of concepts like original sin and I appreciate the open-minded and thoughtful posts you provide for us. It is up to the parents to provide appropriate guidance for their children. They do not need programming... but to learn how to use all of their own faculties. Take care!

posted by man-boy on June 18, 2004 at 9:26 AM | link to this | reply

for man-boy
there are som interesting churches out there if you're of a mind to try them out.
Unity is one
Unitarian is another
Ethical Society is another
the last two in particular depart from the traditional -- and provide a social venue and a certain stability like you said your wife wants.
look in the yellow pages -- you'll find interdenomination and non-denominational -- it's a virtual shopping list.
I would almost halfway recommend the Episcopal Church, except you don't know what you're going to have at any individual congregation -- and they are pretty well rooted in the medieval tradition. Then again, maybe not.
But the beauty of it is -- if yo have tim e-- imagine -- there are Saturday churches and Sunday churches -- you could spend hundreds of weekends and not visit the same church twice -- get a sampling of all Christianity -- then take up the other religions to boot.
Buddhist temples have services on Sundays -- and there are various schools of those. There are some very interesting aspects to Buddhism. That religion has informed Christianity many times.

posted by Xeno-x on June 18, 2004 at 6:26 AM | link to this | reply

Now that I have actually read your post.
Sometimes I think the United States is becoming a dangerous experiment in trying to keep everybody happy.

posted by Budmannomore on June 18, 2004 at 6:06 AM | link to this | reply

I personally like supercalifragelisticexpealidocious.
Sorry, I had to get that out of my system before I could take your post serioustly. I really do enjoy the way you think.

posted by Budmannomore on June 18, 2004 at 6:00 AM | link to this | reply

Big Words Miss the Point

Great long words, you used there. A+ for your use of the dictionary but F- on everything else. I found the previous comment interesting. It is always humorous to me that some peoplewant to go to church but not want to feel "like they are being judged". Who doesn't? But guess what? I just adore this ridiculous liberal mindset of people where they want everything to be some form of "feelgoodism". Sort of like the hippies in the '60's. You know, hey I went to church today but I do not want to feel uncomfortable.  I want to feel good every minute. That is not real life. These people live in some sort of fantasy world and , thus, tend to vote for liberals.

Nevertheless, you commented on my last church vs. state post. I am a Baptist. I am not saying , as you did, everyone should be like me and that 'Baptist rule' but it is the total elimination of any higher power or God in the schools and world. Funny thing, ever since they took religion out of the schools  and put condoms in, it has gone downhill ever since.  There is no pledge of allegiance or God in school and we wonder why Columbine happened?! Of course, all of this is suppose to happen even though this is wrong. Why? Read the Bible.

posted by RedStatesMan on June 17, 2004 at 8:39 PM | link to this | reply

Hi westwend.
I was fortunate enough to follow a link in one of Odysseus posts and it led to a group called kingdom now. They have published some works by Count Leo Tolstoy on his manifesto concerning Christianity. It seems to me that there are many of us over the centuries who come to much the same conclusions. Who is to say that this spirit is not inspiring men and women so that the truth will be known. Most of us are not as erudite and possessing of the abilities of one like Tolstoy but it does say to me that there are truthes out there that cannot be expunged by the churchly powers. These are the truthes that JustAcarpenter talks about in his posts as well. People as like us and fat-guy and the others are raised under this western sensibility but we aren't smothered by the teachings of our youth. My wife seems to want to find a church to attend and I have no problem with that but I want to be able to attend a church where I don't have to stifle my roving mind. I especially don't want my kids to feel that they fall short of any mark. We don't want them or ourselves to be judged. I'm not much for organized religion because I don't believe the God of our cosmos needs worship but I think for my wife it is more of a stability thing. And I would like to socialize with like minded people.

posted by man-boy on June 17, 2004 at 6:17 PM | link to this | reply