Comments on lack of values aint eroding our schools

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excellent rant
You're right on!  People who play the religion and "family values" card aren't playing with a full deck, and they're often hypocrites.  I heard the other day that Tom DeLay hasn't bothered to speak to his 80+ year old mother in years.  And Dr. Laura abandoned her mother and let her die by herself (her body wasn't discovered for days).  Just a couple of charming examples of cons who con the public into thinking they're upstanding citizens.

posted by lonebutte on June 16, 2004 at 6:58 AM | link to this | reply

We have it in Canada too.
Blaming the poor for being poor and for coming from generations of people who never stood a chance. Like our aboriginals who had a perfectly valid civilization, both physically and spiritually, destroyed. We do ourselves a great disservice by excluding the wisdoms of the ages. I don't know how to adress this except by living a loving life and preparing my children to go forward in aloving way. I also realize that part of my addiction recovery is to make myself available to addic ts who may need me in the future. Most recovering addicts have seen so much of the horrors of greed they too know there is a better way. The economics of greed are the most pure capitalism at work.

posted by man-boy on June 15, 2004 at 7:10 PM | link to this | reply