Comments on Well, I wrote a hell of a lot last night on my new laptop…. I’d be glad to

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i dont have cancer-- i have precancerous cells in my cervix due to a STD i got from the man who raped me. HPV--  there are many forms.. the most common are gentital warts... i dont have the warts ... instead i have precancerous cells that have to be gotten rid of like once a year through surgery.. this might cause my cerviz to weaken to the point where i might not be able to carry a child into the second trimester...

it sux

posted by JustJilly on March 16, 2004 at 6:07 PM | link to this | reply

God, girl! Do you have cancer? I'm sorry. I didn't know about this. Snowy, cold, dreary days are bad for me too. Move south. As for the lover, we're all wishing and hoping for that. Maybe you could blog all day. There are always funny, odd, sweet, troubled people around these hallways. My heart goes out to you today.

posted by Passionflower on March 16, 2004 at 1:50 PM | link to this | reply