us and myself, so full of holes

By artbydoug - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

words that are making my day go bye

write away the freshest loops that play repeatedly inside drop the rings and walk with words to somewhere safe from prying eyes sit behind the letter box with nothing on the slate but time follow where the story leads without a shield or page disguise use the freedom of the day to plug away at... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 3, 2007

what i have to say

never asked too much from stars that cast their dim but helpful light not because i feel unfit to beckon some assisting force all the rest of reasons split before i call my hand and fall the stars are busy with some others who can not decide their course dim light is all i need to decide i feel like... Sign in to see full entry.

2 short bits......................

2 short sad shit bits hope is so useless it burns in my brain gathering wishes and spelling out frames all to align in a way that makes waves or to crash just below my ideal picture plane. ============================ i cannot believe what i cannot detect all of my thoughts live a life i don't know... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

fronts and letters

what has the spirit i have lost present me from its place of rest an offering of days ahead and plans to find the steam inside what tales to tell of triumph over time and grips that have no strength and lengths to which my trouble strings with thoughts and dreams that make no sense.... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

view getting old....................................................

i have ways of keeping time words in lines that often speak rhyme and reason from my view nothing for the weak at knees or a structure that can stand words so dead in lines to tell flowing out of writing hands onto every boy and man spelling what i can't repeat hiding underneath the stair view from... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

filling in the patches ....................................................

monsters, friction, and some pyramid rhyme monsters happy to take pieces of me they don't think i need after glow from climbing into places where they cannot see just to steal a moment to watch fires burn beneath my feet gently passing embers to the ground to fertilizing seeds past the major... Sign in to see full entry.

gate strength factor

gate strength factor bigger thoughts to entertain softer days are far behind as the stopping hours torture all i have ahead is time distance and a shot of whiskey friends are gone to sand and stone higher than the trees thin canopy this a path to walk alone work to find the next diversion ash to... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 26, 2007

great flakes of apathy

great flakes of apathy turkey week or turkey weak kill that bird and pluck its wings knife the neck but keep the parts fall is gone to winters chill gathering around the lump meat with friends and wine to drink leather gloves to handle pots thanks for what we all have not =======================... Sign in to see full entry.

gathering warm bottles

gathering warm bottles no more complaints about what i have not all of the butter has melted and soaked into the toasted place that is my mind sometimes complaints are all that i find there, seemingly stupid from having good luck strapped to the front of a runaway truck just to slip off at the... Sign in to see full entry.

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