Member Profile for Rockingrector_retd


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August 7, 2008
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Life in the Rocking Rectory - Jul 30, 2011
A sad farewell - Yes, my time at Blogit has come to an end. I'm bowing out...
Religion & Spirituality - Popularity rank: 1122


Prince Agadir - Mar 26, 2009

by Rockingrector_retd1,489 words, short story

Story based on Palm Sunday. Story about the events of Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. For children and adults.

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Prince Agadir "It is time," said the king. "Now you are 18 years old, you need to discover what it means to be a king. I am growing old. Soon you will be crowned king of our land. But first, you must understand for yourself how to rule." Prince Agadir groaned inwardly. "But Father," he began, "I was born to be king! All my life people have been showing me what I must do. I've worked hard at my lessons and passed all my exams in the history of our land and of the world. I've studied politics and.

Ladyday - Mar 26, 2009

by Rockingrector_retd1,225 words, article

Sermon on the rape of Tamar. Talking about tough love and its importance for today. Using the story of Absalom's death and David's subsequent agony, and looking back at the sequence of events which caused this.

Buy now $0.50 5 stars


When I can, I like to watch local television. There’s a programme that comes on once a week at about seven o’clock and is usually introduced as: ‘Three surprising stories from where you are.’ You may have seen it. It has local interest stories about people and places from somewhere in East Anglia. Today we’ve had three surprising stories, not from East Anglia, but from the Bible. There’s the Old Testament story of Absalom, David’s son, who was leading insurgents against David, his father. Why...