Observations of a TV addict
- Aug 11, 2008
Bernie Mac 1957-2008 - How much we take true stars for granted. When I...
Movies & Entertainment
- Popularity rank: 2913
Shelter - Jul 10, 2008
by Isabel_Whitaker98 words, poem
Withdawing from the world. This poem is about withdrawing from the world. Afraid to be hurt again, sometimes you just need to be alone.
A perfect cocoon built for me To keep me away from misery...
by Isabel_Whitaker85 words, poem
About trying to stay afloat. This poem is about trying to stay afloat metaphoricaly speaking. Sometimes you can't and you end up drowning.
Drifting out to sea More disasters I’m dreading Barely afloat what do I see
by Isabel_Whitaker88 words, poem
Being trapped by emotions. This poem describes feelings of captivity based in emotions especially love.
I am in bondage Tied up like a slave Thrown in to prison
HOPE - Jul 9, 2008
by Isabel_Whitaker123 words, poem
An optimistic poem. No matter how bad your life is it can also get better..
My present is dim My future is bright I can’t give up