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A day at a time. I hate going to the dentist as well.

posted by Annicita on April 29, 2022 at 2:51 PM | link to this | reply

When something is fixed, it feels so great inside, especially when it comes to HVAC work...For me, I don't like going to the eye doctor. My eyes are super sensitive.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on April 22, 2022 at 9:04 AM | link to this | reply

Good afternoon

HVAC work is never cheap. It's worth the comfort that you will have for many more years though. We live in an area where a good furnace and air conditioner are a must. Creature comforts always seem to come with a hefty price tag, but we humans can't seem to live without them. Those days of depending on a good breeze or the sun for heating and cooling are long gone.

posted by Sherri_G on April 21, 2022 at 2:53 PM | link to this | reply

Don't let your phobia about the dentist keep you from tending to

your teeth and gums. Since I got dentures a couple years ago, I have regretted not taking myself to the dentist faithfully. Eating is not as enjoyable with choppers as it was with natural teeth.  One thing I do like about this day and age: heating and cooling systems are much more efficient and it's possible to be cozy in winter and comfortable in summer with them.  Thankful every day!  

posted by Pat_B on April 21, 2022 at 2:51 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Good Afternoon

I do prefer a colder climate I admit. one cam always have a hot bath and put on more clothes etc but when it is hot 24/7 it is horrid and those snakes sound as aweful as some of the Australian ones.

posted by Kabu on April 21, 2022 at 2:40 PM | link to this | reply

Good Afternoon

Kabu, I'm so glad you have heat again.  It's no fun to be cold.  I would like to get a new boiler system but they are expensive and we just had the new roof put on so it will have to wait until next year.  We have a new electrical system, hot water tank, and now a new roof but the boiler will hopefully wait for another year. 

When my boys were small we lived in Arkansas while my husband went to school.  It was so hot that I have no words for the heat of summer.  The humidity was about 100% and it would be 110 in the shade.  Every time it would rain we'd have a tornado.  They are very scary.  We lived by the river so at night poisonous snakes would come out on their way to the river.  We never went outside at night because of this. For a long time, all we had was one window air conditioner in the bedroom.  That is where we could all be found on a hot night.  When we got enough money together we had a central air unit put in the house.  It was wonderful.  All the rooms were cool and we were all happy.  When I was pregnant with my daughter we packed up the boys and came back to Cleveland.  Every time I watch the news and see the temps in Arkansas I just cringe.  I will never forget our time there.  

Because we have boiler heat we can't have central air.  We do have window units and they are wonderful in the middle of a hot summer.  One is in the living room and one is in the bedroom.  

I hope you have a wonderful evening.

posted by Goldiec on April 21, 2022 at 2:23 PM | link to this | reply