Comments on Grandmother Spider

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Well done...most interesting.

posted by teddypoet52 on December 6, 2020 at 8:34 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Re: Re: Goldiec,

Ciel, thank you so much!

posted by Goldiec on November 8, 2020 at 10:33 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Re: Goldiec,

and here's the link to the first one:


posted by Ciel on November 8, 2020 at 10:26 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Re: Goldiec,

Here's a link to it:


posted by Ciel on November 8, 2020 at 10:24 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Goldiec,

Ciel, I tried to find your article that you wrote a long time ago and I can't find it.  I used the search box but it didn't come up.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

posted by Goldiec on November 8, 2020 at 10:21 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Goldiec,

Some say that we are here particularly to learn how to make choices. That, of course, is the whole point of Free Will--to allow us to experiment, to learn by doing, to learn what works and what doesn't.

posted by Ciel on November 8, 2020 at 10:17 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Kabu,

Oh my!  I couldn't believe this when I read it!  I have always said for as long as I can remember that we are here to learn.  That should be our focus and I've told everybody that would listen exactly that.  When I would say it people would just look through me because obviously they did not agree.  We are here to learn every possible thing we can learn.  That is why some of us are so close to books.  It's all part of the learning process!  I appreciate all of these comments. 

posted by Goldiec on November 8, 2020 at 9:20 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Kabu,

This was pretty wonderful to wake up to this morning! 

It's been suggested that this world is a school for souls, learning and evolving. We spend the first years of school in classrooms of many others working at a similar level, and the more we learn, the more we move towards more specific goals, more specialized classes. There's a point where we are no longer so much part of a large group, as we begin to discover our own paths, set our own trails. The challenges become more personal, and our connections with others at similar levels become more distant and rare. There is often the illusion of loneliness. 

But then, far off, a light flares up, a beacon flashes... Or we meet a stranger in the wilderness and for a while stand on common ground. 

That's us!

posted by Ciel on November 8, 2020 at 8:17 AM | link to this | reply

I so agree that we spend too much time as mortals explaining and preaching loving the sound of our own voice. I knew only one man in my life who truly walked in the steps of Jesus. He had, as far as I understood, no ego, except love for his children his wife and us. he was very much of this World but unWorldly if that makes sense. He understood but never judged and for himself asked for nothing. Once when he was in our little Church his rubber slip ons were worn through. By the end of the day he owned about 25 pair. Yes we all bought them for him, he never expected nor asked for anything so then we wanted to ensure that he and his family had some material necessities.

After experiencing such a wonderful person I never went back to a Church. I moved away and tried but found I don't belong in Churches. I belong in my garden with animal life and growing things. I belong watching Snow fall while I am cozy inside my house. Now I am slowly getting rid of things, stuff, objects, fancy clothes. Unnecessary clutter. Not books that have been gifted to me. Not photos of Wiley. These things my soul needs but so very much. I eat simple foods I hope mostly healthy and I try to meditate but actually I am better working with nature. When I read you I sometimes feel that we are connected in mysterious ways. I once was given an insite to my future. I thought that it was going in one direction but an experience something a little like yours, although I was awake showed me walking into a place of dark unrest, into a tunnel. At the end was a man. Not who I would have expected and not a man that I should make contact with; yet I walked into him and knew it would be many years before i could walk through him out to the otherside and into the light. All of which came true. Bless you love.

posted by Kabu on November 7, 2020 at 5:21 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Kabu,

The more you write, the better I like it! 

Human beings are wired to experience the spiritual, and so we do even if we don't paste labels and hang handles on it. It is something beyond our humanity, and that sometime-glimpse of it sustains us more than ritual and dogma, so I believe! The lables and handles help the body/mind part of us to make it conscious, to explain--It has been said that humans love more to explain than to understand! But sometimes there is just that moment we have no words for, no intellect to confine it. 

posted by Ciel on November 6, 2020 at 10:18 PM | link to this | reply

So I went back and read as of course you knew that I would. I had been back in 2011 I think.

Having been here longer now, living not off the grid, but with nature all around me and knowing that I am on Algonquin land...although they cannot claim it from me...But still... I feel them sometimes from long ago.I really felt close to you as you described your experience in the cave/long-house. Your words about nature and about the old testament really touched my core. I have come to believe that except for psalms just because I love them, I shouldn't dwell in the old Testament.  My God is the female part of God and the Son called Jesus who taught us how to accept all people and how to love and that we didn't need the old laws. Why Female...because of creating, maintaining, and forever changing the Universes. My ego interrupts me here because to me this Earth is the center of all creation but I try to get beyond that. perhaps I like the idea of Mother as well. She who brings forth and nurtures.Love you....Sorry i have written too much.


posted by Kabu on November 6, 2020 at 9:22 PM | link to this | reply