Comments on Isn't bad news fun!...

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Let's give them something to talk about

Well, dear Kabu. If the mass media didn't bring us all the bad news, then what should we all be afraid of? Who should we hate etc.?

You're absolutely right, good news are hard to find in the world's mass media nowadays.

I guess, here in Denmark (a country with a queen and so on), the most happy news are based on: Now Princess (name is not important here) is pregnant.

Wow, but if an ordinary woman gets pregnant... mass media doesn't care.

But if an ordinary woman kills somebody, then perhaps she might be mentioned.

I'm in for happy too. 

posted by kasperhoe on August 23, 2016 at 11:19 AM | link to this | reply

beautiful post, Kabu!

posted by Ciel on August 23, 2016 at 8:24 AM | link to this | reply

I am so with you, I have my tv on and the news comes on and instead of giving us good news its shootings, fires, drownings of babies, babies being left in hot cars and then its the bad boys from the olympics and then the bad people in politics.  We need cheers.

posted by Lanetay on August 23, 2016 at 7:54 AM | link to this | reply

Rubbernecking the awful and fear mongering always seem to dominate

I vote for Happy too! Great post, Dear Kabu. 

posted by Katray2 on August 23, 2016 at 4:54 AM | link to this | reply

Well darn my socks I am going to feel happy if you are. We did quite well but I'll just be modest as is my persona. Also grumpy. 

posted by C_C_T on August 23, 2016 at 3:10 AM | link to this | reply


You have written with a radiant happy note in your heart that shows so crystal clear. Indeed the para-Olympic are the real gritty sportsmen. 

posted by anib on August 23, 2016 at 12:16 AM | link to this | reply


The media is what doesn't like "happy." Except for the story of the US pole vaulter who is a reservist in the military. He stopped dead right before his qualifying vault - all because he heard the national anthem and turned honor it while it played, hand to his heart, showing respect. He went on to win a Bronze medal. I like "happy." And you are right, the para-olympians deserve a ton on credit! 

posted by Sea_Gypsy on August 22, 2016 at 9:31 PM | link to this | reply


I certainly haven't forgotten what happy feels like - I'm always happy the bad stuff is happening somewhere else...

posted by Nautikos on August 22, 2016 at 8:40 PM | link to this | reply

It does seem like all the media does is focus on the negative. Hopefully, that sort of reporting and the demand for it changes.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on August 22, 2016 at 5:25 PM | link to this | reply


Great olympic coverage especially the para-olympians love,terrific post and I love you.

posted by WileyJohn on August 22, 2016 at 5:09 PM | link to this | reply

You got that right.  It seems if there is no bad news there ain't no news at all.

posted by TAPS. on August 22, 2016 at 4:20 PM | link to this | reply

All this is a bloody misery indeed.  Never mind those morons!  You are loved.  Did you get my letter?

posted by lovelyladymonk on August 22, 2016 at 1:59 PM | link to this | reply

What we need is to laugh with some babies and puppies...

And I agree that the para-olympians are amazing...

posted by Pat_B on August 22, 2016 at 1:22 PM | link to this | reply