Comments on Give me Strength...

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I sure don't mind be cowardly once in a while now.  I never woulda, coulda at one time, but now I could and would if the right conditions make themselves known.

posted by TAPS. on May 17, 2014 at 11:19 AM | link to this | reply

Maybe I just have to learn to say No...

posted by Pat_B on May 17, 2014 at 7:20 AM | link to this | reply


There may be options! You could invite 'Baleful', and while she and Vickie recite their tales of woe to one another, you could just excuse yourself and tell them you have an appointment with your tax adviser... Or you could declare this a music-appreciation event and put on Wagner's Meistersinger, which takes about 5 hours...An alternative might be a flower-arranging session, for which they have to bring some ingredients...Or you might tell them that it's a recipe-testing event, and introduce some exotica which might either leave them speechless or flee...There are many other possibilities, but we don't want to complicate matters too much...

posted by Nautikos on May 17, 2014 at 6:33 AM | link to this | reply

Some people rely on other people's courtesy, to indulge in being obnoxious.

This problem person reminds me of one... She worked in the pet store I went to.  She blathered on and on about her personal stuff every time, and after one long day, I just wanted to get a couple of fish and go home.  She merrily blathered on and on about people I didn't know, talking when she could have/should have been getting my fish. I finally said... burst out...  "I really don't care!"  She looked so affronted! But, in fact, I didn't care. I cared about getting my fish and getting home. She huffily, silently fished out my fish and bagged them, and I never for a moment felt regret at my outburst of truth-telling.


posted by Ciel on May 17, 2014 at 6:17 AM | link to this | reply

Seeing that not many can attend, why not postpone it until they are able to join? That's not copping out, it's only a delay and makes good sense, especially when you are not really up to it. Now and then you have to think of YOU.

posted by adnohr on May 17, 2014 at 2:52 AM | link to this | reply