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Re: Re: Kabu

well they can cook the apples and make pies and tarts and stuff. You are so kind.

posted by Kabu on September 5, 2012 at 6:43 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Justi

Thank you Justi, Always nice to hear from you 

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:46 AM | link to this | reply


FS Sadly it makes food more expensive for those who cannot afford much at the moment.

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:44 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Marrisse

I don't sell them Marrise. Thank you for your advice I remember I have got a couple of bottles of the cherry concentrate it was quite expensive, but I had forgotten about taking it for some reason. 

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:42 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Ciel

Thank you Ciel, I'll try anything once. Well the little snails were rather sweet.  

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:32 AM | link to this | reply


Thank you Jay I do take Fish oil capsules. When I have used them up I'll try the mint thank her from me please.  

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:30 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Pannion

Well Pan we don't like them frozen and one can't keep eating beans. Anyway it is a bit of fun and one needs all one can get these days.  

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:28 AM | link to this | reply

Re: How fickle we must seem to gentlemen paying court

Sounds like the Cheshire Cat Pat . I suppose someone on their own would like them,   sometimes they ask if I have any. The ground was so hard this year at planting time  that I only planted a few. 

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:24 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Kabu

Kabu there are still some apples and I am going to put them out with a notice to peel   for hygenic reasons.

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:19 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Wiley

Thank you Wiley, I am just hoping it will go away, but I seem to remember old men groaning and saying I've got the screws and me thinking what are they making all that fuss about

posted by C_C_T on September 5, 2012 at 8:10 AM | link to this | reply


Well I just use Tylenol and Panadol for arthritis going to bed a few times a week. Now there is also a health capsule I take called CQ-10 and maybe that is helping too.

posted by WileyJohn on September 4, 2012 at 8:08 PM | link to this | reply

Nice flowers and write and poem.

let the grass grow Archie can do it when he gets back and as for the apples how sad. Our wild apples are all gone the wild creatures eat them and we are happy for them.

posted by Kabu on September 4, 2012 at 7:20 PM | link to this | reply

How fickle we must seem to gentlemen paying court

on a whim, after laying eyes on someone who seems like someone once loved...

The flowers are lovely, and I can't imagine who needs seven beans. Curioser and curioser...

posted by Pat_B on September 4, 2012 at 1:25 PM | link to this | reply


What? You are giving away runner beans? Why, don't you eat them? 

posted by Pannonian on September 4, 2012 at 12:49 PM | link to this | reply

My wife's hands and fingers get so sore with Arthritis that she cannot open bottles. Then she started taking cod liver oil and the all the pain and swelling has left. One tablespoon a day will do the trick. Now she opens bottles that I can't, she is really quite handy now. She told me to tell you to use the mint flavor oil.

posted by UtahJay on September 4, 2012 at 11:56 AM | link to this | reply

Cape Primrose... a favorite of mine!

The snails story makes me laugh...  Just what you need, more snails for your garden!

posted by Ciel on September 4, 2012 at 11:48 AM | link to this | reply

It's been a tough here for a lot of plants, crops etc. in the States with the droughts...You capture the feelings of the speaker in the poem so well. Love can be so tough.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on September 4, 2012 at 11:38 AM | link to this | reply

These flowers look fantastic under any conditions.  Hope your apples sell well anyway.  I am taking my 2 sets of supplements, Glucosamine Chondroitin and Sun Chlorella for early osteo-arthritis and getting somewhere.  However, I keep reading that cherries are very helpful for the general condition for those who are not that good with pills and may not need them as much, also purple grapes and grape juice.  I liked the poem. 

posted by mariss9 on September 4, 2012 at 11:33 AM | link to this | reply

First I loved the flowers and I always like the chat about the happenings of the day. I guess you do have a problem with snails with all the rain you get. My little boys used to love to salt snails.

The poem was wonderful. That'll show her, after a while a man's fancy just turns to other things or to others. Be blessed and have a wonderful day.

posted by Justi on September 4, 2012 at 10:59 AM | link to this | reply