Comments on Finally a $ cutting idea from our GOVT! UNFORTUNATELY it's throat cutting!

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Well you and Jesse are a load of fun today...LOL...They won't catch me,

I refuse to get old ...

posted by Kabu on February 27, 2012 at 2:56 PM | link to this | reply

which bus?

Is it done alphabetically,, age wise? or How? U R talking about the bus to the euthna joint right?? At least th-- that,, is where I thought they were taking us,,, i thought about donating my heavily worn - out body to science,, thinking it would cost less for that end of life thingy,,, but then,, my daughter said,," no mom,, they only want brains to examine these days,, and apparently ur's has gone astray,," of course then I explained that if i did that,, that perhaps they could find out if that bad case of childhood chicken pox i had when i was 46 might be reason i have these wierded out body jerking thingy which resembles parkinsons, and or turret( spelling) syndrome without the vocalizations, etc,, and help someone else down the road,, but then my hubby had just finished a book by one of the better known fiction writers and was afraid they might decide to hunt me down and use me now instead of waiting till after my day finally came,, ,, kinda like that movie coma,,

posted by jesse_jean on February 27, 2012 at 7:26 AM | link to this | reply