Comments on Awright, "When it rains, IT CERTAINLY DOES POUR! Part #2

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I am dumbfounded, disgusted and furious as I read this.  I am so sorry that you both have been through all of this bullsh** due to a bunch of bottom feeders.

I truly hope that things get much better in short order for you.  Sorry, I am still shaking my head and feeling the blood boil over the malpractice that Marilyn experienced.  As for your former boss.  I think he is even more stupid than "that" stupid.


posted by Bel_Marshall on January 11, 2012 at 7:57 PM | link to this | reply


Sad tale #1 was quite a shock, slightly lessened by this one, as far as Marilyn is concerned. But I am awfully sorry that you've lost your job, especially because of someone who's Stupid!

I also have been away for a while, and also had a contretemps with one doc, quite unusual for me actually, since I normally get along well with that breed, LOL. And of course it was nothing like Marilyn's situation - in  fact, after reading of your problems, I may well shut up completely about mine! In any case, I certainly wish you both the very best, especially a speedy recovery for her...

posted by Nautikos on January 11, 2012 at 6:04 PM | link to this | reply


It is disgusting, I told a dr. once that if he couldn't give me a diagnosis that I wasn't going to pay him.  He promptly referred me to someone who told me withing 15 minutes that I had arthritis!  Even shikepoke used car dealers have some sort of "warranty" but the medical profession?  Take two ass burns and call my machine in the morning.

posted by food4thought on January 11, 2012 at 4:51 PM | link to this | reply

Even if they put you through hours & days & months of terror, it is still good to know that they were WRONG!! Sorry - I tend to lean towards the positive, and I know it can be a pain in the butt when one is upset...which you have every right to be. As for your dude with no brains but all the pull, I agree - he proved how STUPID he was just by saying what he said.

posted by adnohr on January 10, 2012 at 9:01 PM | link to this | reply

northsage 45

I agree with you about the medical profession but I am happy Marilyn doesn't have what they diagnosed. Good to have you back pard.

posted by WileyJohn on January 10, 2012 at 3:53 PM | link to this | reply