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Cheery, there's a dog, two cats, & two hamsters, living here at Sagehaven.
My small dog is named Tarbaby, 'cause he is black, and everything gets caught up in his hair, when I take him into our little woods. The cats are Hitler, the world's most evil calico, and Hazel, a long-haired grey interloper, who wants to become the "top cat" upon Hitler's death, an event that Hazel (the grandbrats named her, after one their male parent killed with a backhand) would like to hasten along, personally. We never got around to naming the little rats. They are a male and female, who live in adjoining cages, and Hitler anticipates breaking them out of prison, and playing with 'em, until they break like cheap toys. Both cats practice committing hamstercide, playing rough with mice that they catch, and we later find their soggy, broken little bodies abandoned on the floor, in the morning. In honor of your expressed interest, I will soon locate and repost an old blog or three, about Bonkers, Hitler's predecessor Calico, and 'Baby who also loved her. Bonkers, who I perversely named after my schizophrenic, sociopathic, scheming, ex-wife, was a sweet-tempered, nonviolent, little darling, individual who was deeply devoted to only me, for just a whisker short of 20 years old, when she died (the cat, not the ex, damn it!)

posted by northsage_45 on December 11, 2010 at 2:45 AM | link to this | reply

Sorry for your loss.

I have lost both my parents and many a pet over the years. Hamsters don't live long..

What about your present pets? I always think about them because of the title of your blog. Tell us about them them some time. I know I'd love to hear about them. 

posted by Cheerygirl on December 10, 2010 at 7:35 PM | link to this | reply

I was still with .................... when I lost first my Frangipani
Burmese feline baby girl almost 20 yrs old and then a bout three weeks later, I lost my dearest cousin/sister/friend......It was a horrible time and NO ONE seemed to care, and 5 years later, it hurts still. So I feel your pain.

posted by Kabu on December 7, 2010 at 6:09 PM | link to this | reply

The loss of a pet is tough! The pain never goes away one just learns to live with and as time passes the acceptance comes in to play, too! sam 

posted by sam444 on December 7, 2010 at 5:27 AM | link to this | reply