Comments on Israel and the Surrender of the West

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Interestig and thought provoking article
I, too am concerned and astonished at how the world has turned on Israel. What truly concerns me most is that our government is now beginning to turn its back on Israel. It is beyond my comprehension!

posted by dancin_grandma on June 29, 2010 at 3:46 AM | link to this | reply

Thanks for posting the article.

By the way, that racism in the United States rests solely with the Democratic Party from its founding by Andrew Jackson and his Vice President Calhoun.

1. Extension of slavery well beyond Constitutional deadline:  The Democratic Party

2. Race-based slavery:  The Democratic Party

3. Secession to keep persecuting "blacks" under the "peculiar institution" of race-based slavery:  The Democratic Party

4. Violence to stop Reconstruction's attempt to empower "blacks":  The Democratic Party

5. Selling of the Presidency in order to end Reconstruction before it could end racist institutions:  The Democratic Party

6. Jim Crow Laws:  The Democratic Party

7. Lynching of "black" Populists:  The Democratic Party

8. Advertising themselves as "The Party of White Supremacy":  The Democratic Party

9. Smearing Populists as racists because they pointed out the racism of the Democratic Party:  The Democratic Party

10. Violence against "blacks" and others protesting segregation:  The Democratic Party

11. Strongest opposition to civil rights legislation:  members and former members of the Democratic Party

12. Persecutors of the Chicago Seven who were protesting outside their convention:  The Democratic Party

13. Failure to nominate a candidate descended from slaves and basing their claims of "blackness" for their "historic" candidate not on this ethnic history (where they were persecuted by their party) but on the racist criteria of skin color:  The Democratic Party

14. Surrounding their Bar-Uncle Tom-a with a bunch of light-skinned advisers not descended from slaves:  The Democratic Party


and these are just a few...

posted by cpklapper on June 27, 2010 at 5:07 PM | link to this | reply

I thought this was a fine article! He makes many good points and I cannot believe that Israel once again is in the scapegoat position! It makes no sense, I will maintain to the end that Israel has a right to have a place to call home and it is where they are; not Poland or anywhere else! sammy

posted by sam444 on June 23, 2010 at 1:04 AM | link to this | reply


Insightful and interesting! And I share Steele's notion that Palestinian, and by extension, Islam's hatred of Israel and the West is, at bottom, driven by a deep-seated sense of inferiority.

As a matter of fact, I contend that Islam was born of an Arab sense of inferiority in the face of what was at the time the center of the civilized world, Christian Rome...

posted by Nautikos on June 22, 2010 at 5:33 PM | link to this | reply

I don't understand antisemitism never have, never can but the present
World attitudes are really scareing's like evil has been waiting for an excuse to resurface.......I worry about our Vogue too darling.....Turkey seems to be changing ...have you heard fromher at all.

posted by Kabu on June 22, 2010 at 5:24 PM | link to this | reply