Comments on And with Bhaskar, Things Get ‘Curioser and Curioser’, (Alice)…

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Plagiarism is as ugly as stealing any other people's things and I don't think that it is best to "ignore" the issue and "plan" on another Plan of existence (what ever that means!). I see it every day and I even have people leaving comments on my web-site to brag about it: they copy-past part of it and are proud of it, telling me how much easier I have made their work! What a world! So, in brief, I believe in your integrity and plagiarism should be ban.Period.

posted by auslander on May 26, 2009 at 7:29 AM | link to this | reply

Oh Naut this is so disconcerting... and probably no one cares what I think   but I got to say that with so much there is to "discuss" that we are discussing such a silly thing is sad... Please  know that as I estated in Bhaskar blog I respect you tremendously  and I know that you would not have said anything about that if you did not truly believe it to be true... having said that... and reiterating I am not a part of any "we" being as I am "unique in my craziness"  I will leave you saying that I wish everything gets resolved amicably. Take care of    you 

posted by Sinome on May 25, 2009 at 11:41 PM | link to this | reply

Naut, my well- respected friend...
Thank you for this clear explanation of how this unfortunate "miscommunication" developed! I can see both points of view, and no, this is not a contest. It's possible that unintentional errors were made by one or both sides, but it's obvious that on both sides feelings are hurt, and perhaps rightfully so, and is even beginning to spill over on others. That is hardly worth the agony of continuing this whatever it is. So please allow me to sincerely request everyone to cease & desist immediately. Even better would be to forgive without judgment, erase this from your memories, possibly from your blogs, and go on living with your lives contributing to the betterment of the world without any sense of being wronged. Best wishes,

posted by ash_pradhan on May 25, 2009 at 8:08 PM | link to this | reply the way naut, if i offended you somehow in stepping onto your blog and addressing my friend directly, then i offer you my sincerest apologies...perfectly honestly, i was not paying attention to which or whose blog it was ...(although peripherally i admit knew that it was yours - i just was not thinking about that at the time)...this seems to have been going on between the two of you off an on on bhaskar's blog and on your blog...i saw a comment and i felt it was time to address bhaskar and i took the retrospect i should have given more thought to where i was when i made the comment...but, also in retrospect, i do remember reading the blogit rules several years ago and i don't remember anything about my having to address you...i didn't know that i could not appeal directly to my friend (in code that he understands) to desist from this folly...of course, you may be right that it was a violation of your own code ethics or manners or whatever...and again, i apologize....i'm just a texas country, my manners are undoubtedly crude...anyway, i won't be away with more irrelevant and demeaning comments intended to belittle and marginalize me...all of which have nothing to do with anything except to aggrandize i said, you win, and as i said, i violated your sense of manners by talking to my friend directly on your is all a travesty committed by're right naut...i'm wrong....okay? you are right! i am wrong! does it need to be plainer?...blessings, moon

posted by magic_moon on May 25, 2009 at 7:24 PM | link to this | reply

I'm not sure which plane I'm talking to you on right far as I'm concerned, the reality of every day life is enough for one to have to handle......I must say I have been wondering how this turned into a competition, with cheerleaders and all......none of which seem focused on the original issue.  JMHO

posted by Corbin_Dallas on May 25, 2009 at 7:08 PM | link to this | reply

Smileycons!  I do remember your post on manners and agreed with you then and again now. It's my understanding that this conflict was ment to remain private. Addressing others in a blog outside your own is inappropriate. I do hope this can be resolved soon.

posted by BrightIrish on May 25, 2009 at 6:59 PM | link to this | reply


posted by magic_moon on May 25, 2009 at 6:52 PM | link to this | reply

I made a statement about it being in a public forum but I wanted to clarify that it was a statement only; not finger pointing! I had read Bhaskar's challenge prior to your rebut, if you will. Plagiarism is wrong! It was addressed and it should be over! My humble opinion is that it is difficult to save face when an issue takes on a life of its own. This seems to be occurring here. Naut, you are a man of integrity and I love you dearly and I am so sorry you have been caught in the middle of an issue that should have been resolved without pulling out the dueling swords of words! Shelly

posted by sam444 on May 25, 2009 at 6:49 PM | link to this | reply

...the comment about being a lawyer had only to do with the issue of being familiar with 'reason', 'logic', debate, argumentation...nothing more...all of those are valid and logically consistent on their own plane of reality...which is where you are operating...when addressing bhaskar, i was addressing him and appealing to him from a different plane of reality...he knows what i am talking might but, i doubt it...i don't care how the two of you settle your differences on the plane of reality at which you are addressing all of your arguments, propositions, proofs, whatever...and if it is important to you to be 'right'...well then by all means you are 'right'...and if it is important to you that i for some reason be wrong, then i am certainly 'wrong'...and if it is important to you that you 'win' then, i declare you the winner...i have no interest in any of that whatsover...congratulations on you accomplishment...blessings, moon

posted by magic_moon on May 25, 2009 at 6:49 PM | link to this | reply