Comments on MAGIC?

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There are some who give God credit for everything

and some who blame God for everything. Their final answer for everything is  "Because God wants it that way."

The fatuousness of these people doesn't mean that there is no God--It means they don't understand what God is.

It's the same with psychic stuff:  many people are fatuous about it, will believe anything, attribute many things inappropriately to it, to that particular sort of 'magic.'

In fact, our minds are capable of amazing things that happen outside our conscious thought processes.  We perceive on so many subtle levels we are not aware of.  Personally, I believe that spirit and divinity play a role, but one doesn't have to believe that to understand that our unconscious minds are actively gathering, processing, and putting out information all the time.  Because we don't see where the knowledge, or awareness of something comes from, we tend to think it comes from outside ourselves.  But it only comes from outside our conscious selves.

You're right that there are many people who believe too much, too willingly in anything that seems psychic to them, and that there are many who exploit that.

On the other hand, there are many legitimately psychic people, some practicing professionally, others just casually.  It is part of being human, these faculties, like all the other senses.  Some people see nuances of color and light that others don't; some hear a wider range of sound; some have more or less subtle ability to taste or to feel by touch. And there are those who are blind, deaf, and numb, and some who can't smell anything, or taste anything.


posted by Ciel on November 9, 2008 at 6:34 AM | link to this | reply

I shall not cross the stars! sam

posted by sam444 on November 1, 2008 at 8:32 PM | link to this | reply