Figmented Hell
T'ain't no hell -- t'ain't no heaven, neither.  All fairy tales, each one.

posted by archiew on September 22, 2008 at 11:58 AM | link to this | reply

To hell with this
Those who are condemning others to hell out of their own fear and bitterness are in hell already.  Those who read this and gnash their teeth and rise up in anger are there too.  What I find perplexing is this: If you really love your fellow humans and they live lives that you decide will have them end up in hell and you yourself believe you are going to heaven, will it not be more loving and selfless of you to join them in hell for their sake than to go party in heaven by yourself?  I've asked this question of condemners to hell and they then obviously condemned me there too, which is right, I'll go.  I'll have some friends there that may need me.  According to the Gospels Jesus Himself went there first when He died, for this very reason, and then came back to prove that Satan and Hell can be overcome.  He tried His very best to get people out of the hell that their own religion at the time condemned them to and what did He get for that?  Now they get sent there in His Name.  As long as there is hatred in peoples hearts the fires of hell will keep on burning.

posted by AardigeAfrikaner on August 31, 2008 at 2:02 PM | link to this | reply

Xeno-x - it's a comedy of epic proportions

Most of these people that insist on condemning others hold religious beliefs that when looked at relative to all of humanity are obscure by comparison, enveloping a miniscule portion of all who have ever lived. Most of them could use a little math lesson as well. To hear someone from one of the protestant religions, developed over the last few hundred years and with adherants concentrated in their geographical region, ramble on about who is going to heaven and who is not, at the very least redefines their God. What kind of God would make his supposed word and therefore salvation, so inaccessable to the entirety of mankind that an individual has to be born in the right place and at the right time in history to get the "true" message?

It cannot be the all merciful and all loving God that they insist on describing. Something must be amiss and if their God is supposedly all knowing, the only other choice is that their beliefs of who will be saved and who will not are utter nonsense.  

posted by gomedome on August 29, 2008 at 10:45 PM | link to this | reply

I don't believe anyone truly knows. There are ways to follow! Those that judge may find themselves in precarious positions when they must atone for their sins. My thought, judge ye not lest ye be judged! It is a personal thing and no one can foretell the salvation of anyone! they are dreamers. Just my humble thoughts. sam

posted by sam444 on August 29, 2008 at 4:53 PM | link to this | reply