Comments on Name One Accomplishment of Obama......PART TWO!

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We are "up to our ass in alligators" in case you have not noticed! You people keep talking about how "great" things will be when the rest of us wake up to the "genius" of George Bush! He is not responsible for the misery and carnage employed to get us there? Why not begin with the "great" without the mindless insanity? George Bush did not commit this larceny alone he has plenty of help and the power of the 500 pound bomb.

"Hope" is all that we have as Americans knowing that enduring incompetence comes in cycles! We have suffered through and continued our good citizenship! How much misery have you enjoyed today? 

posted by Glennb on February 13, 2008 at 10:05 AM | link to this | reply

Re: I admit that Obama is a bit low in the accomplishment category, Corbin,
Saul....That's all he the speech given a couple of days ago in Virginia....he was without a teleprompter and had to stumble along with index cards....the message and delivery were quite different...

Are we as a people so tired of politicians,  that were are ready to leap in behind any "Pied Piper" that come along? 

If he has the answers  why hasn't acted on what he sees wrong through the legislative process he has been a part of???  He has been running for President since he first knifed the woman civil rights advocate who held the state Senate seat he run for in Illinois.......

One thing, you keep calling the President as an idiot......I trust that that is just a jingoism because of you frustration.  I know he is not an idiot.....and a few short years from now the geopolitical actions taken will be proven to have been most necessary......he may not speak well but, every action he takes is well thought out and calculated.

Your idealism is a wonderful's just tough when time to time reality smacks one in the face.....

I think Huey Long said it well........

"It's tough to remember that your original intent was to drain the swamp.....when you are up to your ass in alligators!"

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 13, 2008 at 5:00 AM | link to this | reply

I admit that Obama is a bit low in the accomplishment category, Corbin,

but his message and his movement is valid.  Cleaning up after the Bush administration is going to take some doing, whether it be a Democrat or a Republican.  RedStatesMan is wrong in depicting Obama as a "shuck and jive" man; comparing him to Jesse Jackson in racial overtones is both ridiculous and spurious.  Obama and Clinton are no more to be feared than McCain or Huckabee.  And he's totally wrong about the those voting for Obama.  A lot of the white vote going in Obama's favor is affluent whites, something the pundits have made mention of quite often.  Clinton is getting the poor white vote. 

Here's the deal:  people like RedStatesMan are the fearmongers that reelected that idiot that resides in the White House.  A failed administration of ludicrous proportions should never have gotten a second term, but it did.  And this nation is paying for it and will continue to pay for it for years to come.  I'm not advocating a vote for a Democrat or a Republican in this race, but I do implore everyone to cast a reasonable vote -- not through fear of terrorism, or fear of race, or fear of immigrants, or fear period.  Vote for a restoration of our national pride, both domestically and internationally.  We need a leader, not a dictator.  The rest of the world would like this as well...  

posted by saul_relative on February 12, 2008 at 9:03 PM | link to this | reply

What are you talking about? Do you have some magic powers and the ability to know future things! You are in the wrong business here! A "Talk Show" seems your right calling! Go for it! Or think Lottery??

posted by Glennb on February 12, 2008 at 7:12 PM | link to this | reply

Obama's Accomplishments?

There are none. I heard many people say that he gave a great speech. Wow, anybody can give a shuck and jive speech. Hell, Jesse Jackson did that years ago. Tonight I listened to Husseins' speech and what do I hear? The same ole crap about getting people to not listen to Wall Street but to Main Street. You know that same ole crap. It sounds hip or catchy, hey he's cool, let's vote for him.

Stupid dumbass idiots! Look at who is voting for him. All blacks, less educated white men and women. There you are, he is their candidate. I say elect him. Give him a chance to CHANGE this nation in a way that no one will ever forget. Because I can guarantee it will be changed. It will be changed to the point that you will not recognize it. It will not be a positive change. Trust me, I know. I predicted Clinton exactly correct back in 1991 and I have this idiot pegged as well.  

If you support the Democrats then you are part of the problem and you will see in the coming 4 years. Trust me you will and I plan on being here on Blogit to smear it in your face each and every day!

posted by RedStatesMan on February 12, 2008 at 6:57 PM | link to this | reply

Corbin Dallas,
You will not give up! The main issue is the question itself! Pompus Hannity has found a question that allows the non-supporter of Sen. Obama listener to mock the answer! In your first installment I noticed when the one person said "he is not Jesse Jackson" the set of Hannity got awfully quiet! An accomplishment in my view!!!!!!!

posted by Glennb on February 12, 2008 at 4:03 PM | link to this | reply

I am sure they would know even less about H Clinton if that were possible. Throw any candidate in their and it will still feel like Jay Walking to me.  sam

posted by sam444 on February 12, 2008 at 3:46 PM | link to this | reply

Naut..... I thought it was interesting (while sad) that they could not name any policy differences between Clinton and Obama.........duh?????

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 12, 2008 at 1:07 PM | link to this | reply

It doesn't surprise me. I suspect most of these people couldn't name any of these candidates' accomplishments! Primarily because people's political preferences are based on emotions, not reason. And Obama, with his mantra of 'change' appeals to their emotions! They want change, although they don't know what kind of change, what that should look like in the end...

posted by Nautikos on February 12, 2008 at 12:32 PM | link to this | reply