Comments on The Big Break Comes But May Unravel Life As I Know It

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Azur, very cryptic.

Often it is not a bad as one thinks it would be once things are out. Someone said that one man's sins are anothers pecadillos, and I think time does that also for many things.

Although I'm hardly one to be posing as socially sensitive.

posted by majroj on May 14, 2007 at 7:40 AM | link to this | reply

Re: People never believe my story anyway, and I spent my childhood as a lia
The timing was perfect and terrible. If it wouldn't upset so many people, I could have told quite the tale.

posted by Azur on May 14, 2007 at 7:12 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Hmmmm. Let's get "pragmatic" (i.e., vent my prejudices)
Majroj, I wanted to use a non de plume but they didn't want me to.

Most people won't see it and yes I did hallucinate a little. A nice work of creative non-fiction.



posted by Azur on May 14, 2007 at 6:57 AM | link to this | reply

I think, Azur...if anyone could pull it off, you could.
While you speak from the heart, I also see you as careful, guarded, protective of yourself and intelligent writer. I've never known you, in blogs, to expose others or to exploit at all. Would love to hear if you are going to go for it and then would love to know where to read it! GOod luck!!

posted by ginnieb on May 10, 2007 at 12:16 AM | link to this | reply

Saw your comment on one of my silly blogs & glad to see you're
out & about. Hope the writing's going gang busters and all's well with you. :)

posted by Pat_B on May 9, 2007 at 7:21 AM | link to this | reply

In one hand you have
your dream coming true and in the other you have the people who stood by you and watched you get to this point. They will understand and get over it. Hey they might not even read it they will tell you off if they did. It's your break I say go for it and good luck.

posted by 8-ball on May 2, 2007 at 9:02 PM | link to this | reply

Maybe it is the start of the GOOD column?  I couldn't do what you are considering, and live to repeat it - unless I unraveled my present life first.  Good luck.

posted by johnmacnab on April 29, 2007 at 6:52 AM | link to this | reply

People never believe my story anyway, and I spent my childhood as a liar,

so, I have the storytelling down. I combine truth and reality and I never know which part will be more accepted or attractive to readers or listeners until I have spilled the story.

But, I have to admit that people repeat the parts that I am more embarrassed about telling than the mundane bits. Sensationalism rules, but in today's world, it also dies quickly, except within the immediate family.

This week I am calling myself the President of AMPI in Mexico's sister-in-law. I like to brag about relatives nowadays and keep myself color coded to the wall paper in the set's backdrop.

Money makes the difference, I find, in storytelling. If the story might bring money, then most people will opt to tell theirs. The timing is important, too.

My ex's now ex-wife was courted in Hollywood about doing her "Cinderella" life story, until it (meaning her Cinderella life) all fell apart and the screen play hadn't even been written. heh heh heh heh heh

Timing....and dinero

posted by benzinha on April 29, 2007 at 2:37 AM | link to this | reply

i think majroj made some great comments - especially the last bit
about disclosure!!! LOL

Seriously, if you have the time to write it - do it, even if it doesn't end up printed. There may come a time when you are ready to do so. In reality - I don't think it will be a problem with bloggers here being exposed - if they in fact see the article. It will be more about revealing who you are and people being able to link your blogs with a real person. That is a personal decision you need to make, and that is what will be difficult.

posted by littlemspickles on April 28, 2007 at 1:53 PM | link to this | reply

Hmmmm. Let's get "pragmatic" (i.e., vent my prejudices)

1. How many of the people who you have communicated with on the Internet are going to see this and know it's your writing unless you tell them where/when it is? And of them, how many will be truly hurt? And of them, how many would begrudge you a shot at some decent dough?

2. Use a nom de pen!!

3. Combine characters. Hallucinate a little. Worked for Hunter Thompson and Ken Kesey.

4. Remember which side is real, and that those of us here who read you will forgive you (mostly, and if it is the truth).

5. You can use me. Except for the militant stuff. And the anti-Bush stuff. And the anti-organized religion stuff. And the self-revealing stuff, the stuff that hurt other people's feelings, the stuff about blogging...

I'll send you a list of approved material and a nondisclosure agreement next week. (haha)

posted by majroj on April 28, 2007 at 8:33 AM | link to this | reply

What a great opportunity, Azur. It's a dilemma, I know, but one for
which you will undoubtedly find an suitable answer.  In the end, it will remain your decision and yours alone.  Tell your editor I'm ready for my big break (aren't we all?).

posted by saul_relative on April 27, 2007 at 1:36 PM | link to this | reply

posted by Amanda__ on April 27, 2007 at 10:56 AM | link to this | reply

it's quite a dilemma and I don't know what I would do. The answer will come to you I'm sure. Good luck...

posted by mneme on April 27, 2007 at 5:39 AM | link to this | reply

good things will always happen for good people.

posted by star4sky5 on April 26, 2007 at 8:16 PM | link to this | reply

I hope you will.  Probably the timing is just right for you to do it. 

posted by TAPS. on April 26, 2007 at 5:24 PM | link to this | reply

Would it be possible to write
under a psuedonym?  It wouldn't be anonymous, but it wouldn't be your real name either. 

What it comes down to is the price of telling this story worth what it could do for your career.  It's hard for me to really comment since I don't know what the secret entails or who it would affect.  But for me, that would be part of the equation... cost of revelation vs. cost of keeping silent.   Will it help you?  Will it help others?  Could it mean bringing light into a dark corner of your life that might be painful at first, but would eventually bring healing?  Or would it cause pain with no healing?  Pain for friends and family that might feel exploited?  Is it possible to turn this into a fictional story where the topic is explored more comfortably?  Is it possible to tell this editor that you aren't comfortable with this topic but offer up another one?

I know, I know, all these questions don't really answer anything.  Sorry.  I have a feeling you will weigh your options and find the best path for you.

posted by TVBlogger on April 26, 2007 at 3:28 PM | link to this | reply


I'm one of those who believes you write from the heart, but I also know how guarded you are. The "stories" you tell are never disappointing, but from time to time I get the impression it's not the whole story, so to speak. I don't have a problem with that. I do it myself quite often. In fact, I'm more leery of those who hold nothing back. It smacks of a reckless disregard to friends and family who may not want some things posted where the world can potentially see it.

If you can find a happy medium between what you can/can't/should/shouldn't discuss, go for it. I wouldn't count on it not being seen however. With the internet, the world has become incredibly small. News travels fast. Instantaneous even. And just imagine if the articles are tremendously successful, moreso than you anticipated. Surely the offers for TV interviews would come pouring in. You couldn't keep much a secret then.

posted by Talion on April 26, 2007 at 1:04 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Azur, do you think the subjects of your article will actually read it?
Pat B, it is possible they will read it. I have been invited to write about my virtual life.  People in my real life will read it too and it may leave them with questions.

posted by Azur on April 26, 2007 at 12:41 PM | link to this | reply

Azur, do you think the subjects of your article will actually read it?

If you use a pseudonym, or a different locale, they may not recognize themselves.

In any case I recommend starting with the facts, Ma'am, getting it all down on paper, and then let your inner censor have her say...  When I worked for a local newspaper I wrote a series on alcoholism based on some first-hand experiences. Ticked off the ones involved even though I changed the names and nobody else would have known it was them, but they got over it and later admitted it was a good thing. :)

posted by Pat_B on April 26, 2007 at 7:01 AM | link to this | reply

Stick with it though
Sounds like a real opportunity?

posted by malcolm on April 26, 2007 at 1:44 AM | link to this | reply

All comes according to the time it has to come .

posted by afzal50 on April 25, 2007 at 8:44 PM | link to this | reply

All comes according to the time it has to come .

posted by afzal50 on April 25, 2007 at 8:44 PM | link to this | reply

Good luck whatever happens.
A smile and a rose! from =^..^=Bo and me too!

posted by Whacky on April 25, 2007 at 7:09 PM | link to this | reply