Comments on Getting a car

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It isn't so much the idea that this fellow mentioned by SuccessWarrior wanted to buy an H3, but that he wanted to spend six years (72 months) paying it off. I don't care if it's a VW or Hyundai, that's too long a time to be spending worrying about whether you can come up with the money to pay off the car.

Having said that, I wouldn't want an H3 myself, or any other form of Hummer. They are indeed too hard on gas. I'd never be able to afford the gas mileage, given my medical bills.

posted by kidnykid on January 22, 2007 at 5:10 AM | link to this | reply

Perhaps it's a testoserone thingy....
I want an H3, too...and maybe in a couple of more years when my business grows, I buy one as a company car...write $50,000 of in expense deductions and have something I have dreamed of owning.  If I can...what is wrong with that?  Envy is a terrible is a serious infection among Liberals in the US.......testosterone

posted by Corbin_Dallas on January 21, 2007 at 6:46 PM | link to this | reply

I'll admit I haven't read his blog

But what I want to know is WHY in the world he'd want an H3!?  They're not good on gas, and with the price of gas these days, he'll be paying a LOT more than car payments.

Plus, as I have seen many times recently, H3s often will not "fit" into a parking garage.  They're too tall.  That leaves the owners having to find parking elsewhere which is often highly frustrating and much more expensive!

The H3 is a status symbol--pure and simple.  They make NO sense whatsoever--unless you use them for four-wheeling places you can't go with a regular vehicle or for towing.  But I have yet to see ANYONE use them for those purposes.

Just my "Opinionated Bitch"-y two cents.

posted by Jemmie211 on January 21, 2007 at 6:37 PM | link to this | reply