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Entrepreneur_Maker SHeesH and goodnesses...what a righteous reply with so right, righteous advice.  I wasn't expecting much of a response as most people like me included really have no clue... I thought what the hay, it'll only take a sec. to post, and you never know, don't ja know.  N E wayz, the way I see it is that if I snooze I will loose.  So the more I can learn the better.  I have tons of good ideas, so I won't kick myself too hard if I choke or something.  Perhaps this is a test patch for my future advancements.  Thank you kindly for your advice... To Ta Loo mysterica

posted by mysteria on January 6, 2005 at 9:56 PM | link to this | reply

Invention and patent

Hi there, let me weigh in..

I have went personally through the patent process. What a ride! and well...what a ride you can get (if you know what I mean.. be careful!)

First, don't worry about the patent process until you are pretty sure that its a working product/service.

As far as your invention - DON'T share it with anyone, I mean anyone without a NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT in place. Doing so starts the timer on your patent filing.

Don't go to any of those "we help you" people on TV.

DO: Get a spiral bound book and start documenting it. What it would take to build, who would buy it, why would they buy it. How does it improve THEIR lives. What is the cost to build it. WHat would be the cost to buy it. Where would you sell it. Could you license it to someone?

More - Is there others out there with similiar ideas? If not, then figure out if it works.

I'll quote Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavs..) "There are a 1000 people with a 1000 good ideas, but only one or two of those people get off of their A**** and do something about it."

Another word on patents? Its a boy's club, you have to have a license to file for one. They can be expensive and so on.

Anyway, maybe you've given me the next BLOG topic in Welcome Entrepreneurs...

Best Success - I know if you set your mind too it you can do it!

God Bless - Entrepreneur Maker...

posted by Entrepreneur_Maker on January 6, 2005 at 7:06 PM | link to this | reply


Sank you for your comment and suggestions.  I went tot the US patent office and sheesh and golly goodness, it seems that one has to qualify for congress to see through the process... I can see where it is useful for weeding out a bunch o crap though.  Gawd!  It is so dauting of a route, but I guess it is the way. 

posted by mysteria on January 4, 2005 at 7:15 PM | link to this | reply

It is a really cool idea and I know I would make scads and scads of money.  It is very cool because it would be helpful for people all over.  I wanna get it across first though..ya know?  That way I can relax and get to this healing and living up to my full potential business... mysteria

posted by mysteria on January 4, 2005 at 7:13 PM | link to this | reply

There's a US Patent office, and I think they have info about inventions
available Mys. Try that.

posted by KlaraRoberts on January 4, 2005 at 12:33 PM | link to this | reply

Yes, you need to tell us what you've invented so we can steal the idea and sell it before you do. 

posted by chris2303 on January 3, 2005 at 8:17 AM | link to this | reply