Comments on Too Many People, Too Many Problems, Not Enough Soap To Go Around...

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Well, That's My Point, Exactly...

...the people in our government are simply tools.  They aren't the players, though they think they are.  Put a camera or a microphone in front of them and they are ON!

It's the ones who aren't interested in the headlines, the ones who only want to make the money and keep the power -- they're the ones who are moving and shaking.

The in-groups, the think-tanks, like the Council on Foreign Relations, the AEI, the Bilderbergers, the Skull and Bones folks -- these people gather together and pool their intelligence.  They come up with this stuff.  Not the government people, and not the Bushes.  The Bushes are just leg-men for the elites, they are not the ones making the decisions.  They simply listen up and figure out a way to turn a profit on where the elites want to take the planet.

So what starts off as, "how can we save the planet from and for ourselves," becomes, "thin the herd...consolidate power and control, solidify the chain of command...prepare for devastation."  Then that moves on to, "war, disease, pestilence and psuedo-peace and solutions that simply multiply into more problems."  The more problems we can snare people in, the more distracted they will be and the easier it will be to keep them terrified of leaving their houses.  Saves money on police patrols and national guard deployments.

Obvious stuff seems convoluted and complex only because we are in the habit of complicating and obfuscating issues in order to keep the focus on ourselves and what we think we want or need.  The truth is very simple and always very fundamental.

This is about power, control and survival.  Nothing more.  The superrich believe that they are the ones chosen to project our DNA into the future, so, naturally, they are to be favored in any scenario that portends to maintain power, control and survival of the species.  I am pretty confident that once we've thinned the herd down to acceptable, survivable levels, this crap about, "the plagues," and, "the pestilences," foretold of in the Bible is going to evaporate into thin air.  The Book of Revelations and its popular misinterpretation is merely a tool to move motivate them to do things that, if they were in their right mind, would think are completely insane.

That's always been my beef with religion and "magical thinking" in general.  If you leave a plug in people's heads where the Easter Bunny can fit in, people will keep it open for you.  But, unfortunetly, anyone who knows where the plug is in people can do the same thing.  If we didn't have religion and religiosity, con-men would have no way to make a living for themselves.  I once saw a retired heart surgeon get swindled into investing in a company whose process was to filter raw sewage and retrieve gold.  20 grand later he had a handful of paper and no viable process.  Can you imagine thinking you could centralize enough raw sewage through a single process to make such a process viable?  What about all those drain-traps out there?  Would you propose eliminating those, too?  How much intelligence and perseverance does it take to work your way through med school and a cardiac residency?

It's all about keeping that plug installed and fresh in the back of everyone's head.  Erase the relevant questions from public discourse and only ask the circular questions that lead everyone back to square one.  Don't ask where all the money is going or has gone...ask where the nickels are that people have spent foolishly on this mindless contraption or that.  Don't tell everyone to ASSUME that the system works, assume that it does and keep the discussion focused on what needs to be done to keep the system up and running.  Implication is such a powerful, powerful idea to have floating around inside of people's heads unattended to.

Paradigm shifts challenge assumptions about what information is relevant.  The more we have in a single generation, the easier it is for people to start calling things as they are, rather than simply revamping the same old plan.

My parents were members of that, "greatest of generations."  In the end they will wind up being no greater than we are, right now.  The difference is that THEY accepted that they simply needed to work harder in order for things to turn out right.

What is painfully, blatantly obvious to me now, though, is that even the hard work that my parents had to endure was a part of this manipulation.  Their patriotism and all the ballyhoo that surrounded the destruction of Nazi Germany was not how WWII was seen from its architect's point of view.  It was simply a way to make money and test the viability of the fascist model of governance.  Pit communism, socialism, fascism and democracy together and let's see what happens.

Well, if it was truly, "democracy," that won WWII, then why is it that Prescott Bush was able to launder money for the Nazis and escape anything like a conviction for high treason for his misdeeds...along with everyone else who worked with him on the Union Banking board?  Why is it that the Nazi spies who were working in Russia were allowed to convince our intelligence services that communism was our next great mortal enemy?  That China and the USSR were a monolithic threat?  Puulllleez.

Herbert Hoover was merely doing what he was told to do.  We had alot of middle class people making lots of money in the 20's which threatened the existing power structure.  So it was Hoover's job to pick everyone's pockets clean viz. the Great Depression.  Bush is simply doing the same thing.  The superrich pick our pockets by convincing us that we all need to work hard for a living at whatever the hell it is they want done, and then they convince us to accept Federal Reserve Notes in place of actual hard currency.  When they inflate the fiat currency on a global scale, they get alot of hard commodities for not alot of money because they know when to sell off their fiat money.  None of us peons ever suspect that they are inflating the currency on a means of declaring economic war on the people who are threatening to think outside of the box they have put us all in.

I know this sounds complicated, but it really isn't.  Think about what money is for.  It's simply a medium of exchange, a way of saying, "you've given me this and I promise to pay you back."  Well, if everyone gets duped into using the currency as an end in itself, the one who controls the flow of the currency dictates the actual value of the fiat currency.  And they determine the fair market value of their slips of paper by how much natural resource they have in inventory, how productive the society is at converting raw material into useful commodities as a whole and how willing the society is to knock the bejeezus out of whomever threatens to sell off their inventory of fiat currency and thereby lower its value in the global market.

Hussein was toppled because he was threatening to make the Euro the currency of exchange for petroleum.  Not a wise thing to do to crazy people because it would make their fiat currency effectively worthless overnight.  And since we're running out of natural resources in the US and since our labor force costs more to employ than the labor forces anywhere else in the world, we'd have been pretty much screwed by Hussein.  And the Japanese, Arabs and British would have been, too, because they all have their vaults filled with shrink-wrapped pallets of our dollars.  The Arabs would have come out of it okay, except that the royal families would have been murdered in the streets by their own people.  The British and the Japanese would have been devastated by such a switch.

But because we DO have such idiots in government at this time, the French are going to get their wish, anyway.  The Euro is fixing to bury the dollar on the global market.  The only edge we have left as a country is our willingness to show up and whip the crap out of people who refuse to use our currency to exchange viable commodities.

The next place we invade will be whereever petroleum and gas are available.  Africa.  Russia.  Middle East.  If we fail at this, we will have no choice but to invade France and the common market countries.  It's the only leverage we have left now that India and China can outwork us for less money, we have no valuable natural resources to speak of and we're losing our ass in the Middle East to a country we have firmly under our control at one point in time.

posted by Volaar on December 14, 2004 at 12:08 PM | link to this | reply

I  like your writing style but such an involved plot of the kind you suggest here could never take place. There aren't that many intelligent people in govt. It would take an IQ far and away vastly beyond what we currently have there.

posted by Passionflower on December 14, 2004 at 9:54 AM | link to this | reply