The Town Square

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This is a free community blog to which any subscriber can add entries. Please note that readers do not pay writers for entries in community blogs. Add your entry

Saturday, January 24, 2004


Friday, January 23, 2004


So, ever wonder what it's like to live the seductive BIBLE COLLEGE LIFE?! Tune in, kids, and click on the birdy! 

Thursday, January 22, 2004

I like eggs.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Why is Arts & Entertainment a dumping ground?

There are a ton of blogs in Arts & Entertainment that have nothing to do with Arts OR Entertainments. They really belong in Everything Else, Opinion, Politics and other categories. There is at least one that probably should be in Poetry.

Having the A&E category cluttered with all these non-A&E blogs makes it hard to find A&E blogs, and it messes up the rankings, too.

Monday, January 19, 2004

New Kid on the Block.

Just droping in to say hi. I'm looking forward to reading  as much as I can. Hopefully you will run acrost my stuff and find somthing interesting.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Something I would like to see

I'd like a page in my account where I can see a list of all the comments I have left. Sometimes I leave a comment and then can't find to post to see if a blogger (or someone else) has responded. If I could go to a "My Comments" page and find all the comments I had left, I'd never be stuck wondering if I was missing some great discussion that my comment had started.

Monday, January 12, 2004

New Blogs

Hi everyone,

I am new to the network and returning to seriously writing after seven years. My blogs are "Sex, School and Other Things that Really Matter" and "Lucky Hooker". I would appreciate all constructive opinions and ideas!

Idea for kids' blogging network

I just posted this in Bunny on Blogs, and I decided I might get wider feedback here, especially from the people who run this blogging network.

* * * * *

Forget the debate about whether an MA section is needed on BN. What I would love to see is an entirely seperate Blogging-Network-type blogging network for kids.

The Baby Bunny already keeps a journal. So do a lot of kids. And a lot of kids participate on e-mail lists and forums. I think it would be great if kids could share blogs the way we do.

K-Blog (cute, huh?) would have to be closely moderated, especially the comments sections, to guard against incursion by creepy adults. But it could be done! Kids would be able to talk about difficult subjects, but they would have to do so without using obscenities.

This would probably appeal most to tweens and young teens. Once they hit high school they'll probaby lose interest and join an adult group.

Any thoughts on this?

Friday, January 9, 2004


hi my name is november. i am new to this blogging, though it sounds very interesting to my sight. so i have decided to join. i am still puzzled in some point about it. i write poetry, does anyone know how the response works? what i mean by this is, people responding or commenting on your does that go? please write me if you have the answer...thank you



Thursday, January 8, 2004

The Compilation of Smash the Ogre

Hello, all.

I thought I'd take the time to officially introduce myself. My name is Jeff McKee, and I write under the pen name of Lionmane. My stories about Smash the Ogre had gained quite a bit of popularity on the Kenzerco forums and even managed to get published in a magazine or two. Bolstered by my success (to my complete surprise), I decided to begin publishing those stories here at Blogging Network and get paid for it for once.

The Compilation of Smash the Ogre is an ongoing tale about an incredibly strong, yet incredibly stupid ogre named Smash who has three goals in life: eating, getting stronger, and doing "good tings." He is based off of a Dungeons and Dragons character I have had for over 16 years, and the stories I write are based on those adventures. Some of them are straight from the actual roleplaying experience, and others are made up by me because I was inspired. In all cases, they are written in the same format: from the perspective of a player who is telling the reader about Smash's adventures, much like most people who play RPG's do.

I hope you enjoy my stories, and come back often to read them. I'll be updating the blog as I finish writing them, which means that I'll be updating somewhat often. I'm listed in the Fiction category if you'd like to come by.



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