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Monday, April 3, 2006


It is Rice and Straw -- Undercover C. Rice and Jack Straw flew into Baghdad for a secret meeting with Iraqi leaders. From what we are told Rice and Straw laid the pedal to the floor and told Iraq it better straighten us or _________. We don't know what the or ____________is but one thing is for... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Hello Iran, This Is God, Listen Up!

Iran suffers more deadly earthquakes. Iran keeps telling the world mind your own business, is God telling Iran to cool it, or is Allah telling Iran to quit this nuclear bomb business. If I were an Iranian, I sure would wonder. Of course you can say the same thing about America with Katrina and other... Sign in to see full entry.


Studying whether God answers prayers for healing patients recovering from heart surgery. That's right according to the Associated Press, the Templeton Foundation and a participating hospital addressed the question whther God specifically answered prayered in relationship to heart patients. Their... Sign in to see full entry.


More deadly earthquakes in Iran. Iran keeps telling the world mind your own business, is God telling Iran to cool it, or is Allah telling Iran to quit this nuclear bomb business. If I were an Iranian, I sure would wonder. Of course you can say the same thing about America with Katrina and other... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Why some hostages are released and others are not...

We just don't understand; however, when given a miracle, we do not try to explain it, we simply say "thank you" and move on to praying for the next one! BAGHDAD, Iraq (March 30) -- American reporter Jill Carroll was set free Thursday, nearly three months after she was kidnapped in a bloody ambush... Sign in to see full entry.

Hostage Jill Carroll Released In Iraq

As I write this post, details are still being revealed; however, after three months, this Christian Science Journalist, known as a great friend to the Iraqis, has been released -- To the living God of heaven, we say "Thank You" Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Overheard At Today's Solar Eclipse!

"I believe it was a wonderful work of God." Watch Video: Solar Eclipse Sweeps Globe | Superstitions · Graphic: Path of Solar Eclipse · Eclipse Details: AOL Research & Learn · More Coverage: Viewers Flock to Libya · Talk About It: Post Thoughts As the heavens and Earth moved into rare alignment, all... Sign in to see full entry.

The French Now Have Their Own War!

France would not join us in the Iraq war, and in hindsight, they were probably right not to do so; however, they now have their own war to fight, and sadly it is with their own people, the youth of their country. I don't know about you but as watch the million or so protesters in the streets of... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bush's Real War Is Not

Iraq, change of staff, immigration, or secret wiretapping. His real war is winning again the trust of the American people. Twice by the smallest of margins, the majority has elected Bush twice. Though he can not run for a second term, if Bush does not win back our trust, then nothing will be... Sign in to see full entry.

We Could Have Avoided Iraq If...

we had learned our lessons from Viet Nam. Two well dressed soldiers getting out of a government car walking to the door of my neighbor and good friend Bobby Hodges. I had just come home from school, and saw this impressive sight. I did not know what it meant, but I soon found out -- my good friend... Sign in to see full entry.


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