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Monday, April 10, 2006

Is Hillary C. A Suicide Bomber?

If you listened to her speech today at the immigration rally, you would have to say she is! Truly the words and tone of her speech today was like tossing a bomb to her Presidential campaign -- if you have not heard the speech you will probably be able to hear it on tonigh't evening news, but what... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Overheard During Holy Week In Hell!

No Resurrection this time! No Way! We will flood the earth with books, movies, discoveries, all putting your Son in a different light for all the world that you so greatly love to see, and this time they will crucify him, put him in the tomb, put the largest stone possible and no power on earth or... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Mock Disaster Drill In Music City

Turns out to be the real thing! Yesterday, five counties surrounding Nashville, Tennessee were going to have a 12 hour mock disaster drill -- About four hours into the drill, the news came that bad weather was headed Nashville's way, and drill was cancelled. In about another two hours, the drill was... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 7, 2006

35 Confrimed Tornado Touchdowns

In Tennesse today. Katrina was only one storm and did record breaking damage, these 35 (and they say we have more to come) may have done far more damage than Katrina. We are only in the middle of April, we still have May and hurricane season June - November to go -- Anyone want to fly to the moon? Sign in to see full entry.

Sometimes The Good Die Young

Army's womens' baskentball coach Maggie Dixon died yesterday at the age of 28 -- Yes, sometimes the good die young, and without any rhyme or reason. For more information clikc this link. http://articles.news.aol.com/sports/article.adp?id=20060407051309990004 Sign in to see full entry.

O.K. Katie You Can Go To CBS

Meredith is coming to NBC, and she is as good as it gets. An excellent journalist, a lovely lady, and a woman of purkiness just like you -- We will miss you Katie, but we know where you will be, we just don't know whether we will choose to see that much of you -- but we can all breathe easier --... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Today or Tomorrow

Katie don't leave the Today show! With tears in her eye, and yet a smile on her face, Katie Couric announced that she is leaving the Today show at the end of May. This is no laughing matter, Katie, don't leave. To wake up each morning without Katie is like waking up without sunshine! Sign in to see full entry.

Immgrants and French Youth Protest -

Todays Show fans, that is Katie Couric fans, let us protest her move from NBC to CBS -- Get out your banners, your posters, start an e-mail campaign, walk the streets of your city in front of your NBC and CBS affiliates, and let us protest loud and clear Katie leaving! How many are with me? Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Katie, Katie, Please Tell Me It Is Not True!

Katie Couric leaving NBC to go to anchor the evening news of CBS. What will we men do? We will not be able to get up every monring, and turn the TV on, and see Katie's bright smile, lovely hair, and good morning wake-up personality. If Katie moves to CBS, the world will not come to an end, but it... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 3, 2006


with John Wooden's style of basketball. It has been a long time since I have seen any college basketball team play like Florida played tonight; however, it did remind me of the UCLA teams of the John Wooden era. Congratulations to Florida, and to John Wooden, now 95 years of age, for teaching us all... Sign in to see full entry.


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