Stephanie's Written Works for Sunday, March 16, 2008

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sleep: Dream: Life

PART ONE Chapter One James Lark sat down at his polished wooden desk. Just another teenager who's not sure of himself. Seventeen years old and unsure of what the Fates had in store for him. He stared down at the laptop before him as if it was his enemy, but ironically, in reality it was his best friend. Only at the moment it was facing him with a challenge: college acceptance. He sighed and turned the laptop on. The comforting hum calmed his nerves. He looked down at the application on his desk.... Sign in to see full entry.

Introduction to Sleep: Dream: Life

Sleep: Dream: Life Your life seems like a dream Amazing but hazy It always seems there’s something out of reach Can’t quite remember Can’t recall It changed your life Changed the lives of people around A tragedy While you sleep Possibly you’ll never wake up And know The life you live Is not reality People around you Beg and plead Cry and scream Watching you Holding your still hand Speaking words you can’t understand You cannot hear, cannot comprehend And your eyes continue to stay closed As you... Sign in to see full entry.

Final Friends

Final Friends I remember the days in which we used to play. Imaginary lands, to be rock bands. The dreams we used to conjure seem too far out of reach lately. They seem to have slipped away since we grew up that one day. The days that now appear to be lost can once again be found if we put away the dignity that is sore and try once more. Final friends is what we are a forever lasting shinning star. Final friends is who we are always there to help eachother cope and when all we are seems oh so... Sign in to see full entry.

Lost Colony of Roanoke

Throughout my history classes I have always had a peculiar interest in the Lost Colony of Roanoke. What could have happened to all those people. Many people don't know that the Roanoke colony wasn't the first disappreance, nor the first attempt of settlement of the area. There are several popular theories about what occured, but of course my imagination got the better of me...and I had to write my own short account of how it might have happened. The most popular theory is Indians....and that is... Sign in to see full entry.

Second Best

Second best is a story about how true love isn't always necessarily the love we always choose. 4 Second Best Since the dawn of time love has been a significant attribute to society. Once upon a not so happy time there was a prince of Medieval England. His father ruled under a time of depression and hunger, revolution and revolt hung un the air at the end of every day. It would soon be the prince's time to take the throne, and there was tremendous pressure residing over his quickly approaching... Sign in to see full entry.

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