Monday, August 5, 2013
Named "Bill" by his five year old owner a beautiful elderly Palomino Shetland pony who hated to be rode. Putting a saddle on him caused him to dance around making it hard to secure it tight. Bill would blow his stomach up with air then later slip right out of his saddle by rearing up after you sat... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Nellie`s Nightmare (5) (Copyright 2012 Sheri Palmer)
Uncle jumps out of the wagon throws a blanket over Nellie's head to calm her down and un-hooks the team. He tries to pull Nellie's leg back around and realizes it's shattered at the hip joint also. Knowing she would never walk again and knowing he'd have to decide here and now what to do it was... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Nellie`s Nightmare (4) (Copyright 2012 Sheri Palmer)
Because Nellie was very smart and insightful and she had already dug into a heeling stance because obviously this wasn't her first rodeo:) Tillie joined her both with hind quarters down, front legs straight still they skid. The weight of the wagon pushing them with no way to gain control back. The... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Nellie`s Nightmare (3) (Copyright 2012 Sheri Palmer)
As the majestic team put one-hundred percent effort into trudging through five foot of snow it was apparent that a lot of ice lingered beneath all this snow making the trip slower going than expected. Uncle, not as patient as Grandfather, commanded the team to push through full speed ahead. And they... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Nellies Nightmare (2) (Copyright 2012 Sheri Palmer)
The stock piled woodshed was all but depleted after the brutally cold harsh winter forcing My Uncle to take the team out in the after-math of this record breaking storm. This was an emergency finding out another foot of snow was due in that evening. There would not be enough wood to keep the... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Nellie`s Nightmare (Copyright 2012 Sheri Palmer)
Twenty- three year old Belgium horse named "Nellie" was born on a farm in upstate New York called "The Wheeler Farm." This farm was known throughout upstate New York as a big dairy farm and a very respected name applied at the mere mention. People from all around knew that this farm had a team of... Sign in to see full entry.