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Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Giving is the Natural Course of Events

Giving is the natural state of affairs. The Divine gives us life. And all of the Divine’s creations do the same: The sun gives off light and warmth that allows us to live. Plants give seeds, fruit and blossoms to quench our hunger. Rivers and lakes give the water that sustains us. Trees give shade and shelter to comfort us. Animals give of themselves through labor and love, making our lives easier. None of these holds back its offering to those less deserving. Each gives freely to the strong and... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Death is Only Darkness in This Reality

The continuing conversations with Death, who had just finished a donut I looked at Death all stretched out in that chair, looking really comfortable with legs and arms crossed and head leaning back against the wall. It didn’t seem right, me asking a very important question and Death just kicking back and telling me I had to come up with the answer. I don’t know the answer, that’s why I asked. And even if I do know the answer, as Death told me I do, how am I supposed to find it? “The first thing... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 3, 2006

Rationality and Passion Need Each Other

Rationality sits stiffly at the head of the table. Confident in its understanding of the world and of its place in it, Rationality waits for no one. And no one comes, since all previous attempts to break down the wall have failed. Passion fidgets at a table off to the side. Joyful, inflamed, and full of love, Passion moves from one chair to another, never quite comfortable in any, but never knowing exactly where to alight. If only these two could meet, what a couple they would make. For... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

Heaven - Another Altered State of Consciousness

I do not believe that I will go to heaven when I die. Nor, do I believe I will go to hell. At least, not the heaven or hell the majority of Christians believe in. The heaven I believe in, and the hell, are different states of consciousness. I will go to neither if I haven’t developed enough spiritually to experience them. That’s my goal then; to develop enough spiritually to be able to at least touch heaven before I die, before I go to the next state of consciousness. I believe that I actually... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I Grasp

- Inspired by Avant's most recent post: I grasp at everything Not wanting to relinquish the profanity That defines me. I grasp at something To assure the carnality of Ego Will protect me. I grasp at nothing So that my grasp Can let go of me. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Light is Love. Love is Truth. Truth is Light.

Continuing my discussions with Death: When last we left, Death had stated that love after death is more incredible than love before death. I stared at Death for a moment. If I had heard correctly, I will experience amazing love after I die. This was a bit hard to digest. I thought death was it. The big sleep. The dark night. The end of everything. I guess I was wrong. Wow. Love happens after death. Wow. When I finally realized that I was staring, I blinked my eyes a bit and shook my head... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Love Experienced in This Reality Pales in Comparison to Love in the Next

Another installment of my discussions with Death. I‘m toying with calling this whole story, “Thursdays with Death.” If you will remember, when we last heard from Death, there was an appointment with an escort service. Later on that same morning, as I was working in my office with the door closed, a noise startled me. It was Death, back to bug me some more. Though startled, I was happy Death had returned. I wanted to get my question about the glimmer of light answered. But, a more important thing... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 27, 2006

There Are No Wrong Paths to the Divine; Some Are Just Shorter than Others

Two climbers were arguing one evening about the best way to reach the summit of the mountain that they were camping at the base of. Since both argued that their way was the right way and neither would give in, they turned to the leader of the climb, a highly experienced climber who had summitted most of the great peaks in the world, to settle the argument. “Sir,” the first climber said to the leader,” is it not true that the best way to summit a mountain is to follow the path of least... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Compassion - A Quivering of the Pure Heart

In Buddhism, compassion is known as “the quivering of the pure heart.” If one is compassionate, then one has a deep sense of the pain of another person and the desire to eliminate that pain. According to Jack Kornfield in his book, “A Path With Heart,” compassion is when we have “allowed ourselves to be touched by the pain of life.” So then, a quivering pure heart would be one that is intimately involved in the pain of life from the perspective of another. One with a quivering pure heart is one... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Fear is an Illusion; A Tool Used by Ego to Control the True Self

Inspired by a comment by ElysiaFields... In my simple view of the world, there are only two emotions: fear and unconditional love. Anything that isn’t unconditional love (conditional love, anger, jealousy, etc.) is ultimately, at its core, a type of fear. Any time one experiences fear, one is experiencing the opposite of unconditional love. It would follow then, that if one experienced nothing but unconditional love, there would be no fear. Unfortunately for most of us, experiencing nothing but... Sign in to see full entry.

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