Alien Insomniac on Life after WWIII

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Sunday, October 3, 2004

Unorthodox Medicine

Back in 1984 a baby girl was born who had a heart defect requiring a transplant. Researchers transplanted a young baboon's heart into the infant to keep her alive. I remember someone calling into a Christian radio show saying that that was okay because God "put these creatures here for us to have... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Cleaning Update

I got the closet cleaned out to the point that you can actually see floor. I have taken one night stand, one stereo cart and several boxes to storage, and two bags of clothing to Goodwill. The divided attention (work) ends at midnight and I will have two days to throw more stuff out. I have drawn up... Sign in to see full entry.

Windows Wallpaper Tip

I was able to cut back tremendously on the amount of space these files take up. Make a new folder on your desktop or inside the Windows folder on the C Drive. Label it "Wallpaper" and open it. Open the Windows folder. Drag all the full page wallpaper bitmap files from the Windows folder into the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Delegation: The difficulty to let go

I have been a shift lead person in my department for over four years. I still find it difficult to back off and let the employees handle the production and do my job, which is managing the process, seeing that the workers have enough to do, moving people to other areas that are overloaded, filling... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

A crime against people

I think that educators, as many as are still alive, and the organizations and politicians who supported this travesty owe the humblest of apologies to anyone born before around 1967. By not making typing a required course the way computer use is today, they have left millions stuck in jobs below... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 27, 2004

The Isms and Ists of Management

Have you noticed that some managers seem to be so big picture focused that they can't even read a paragraph? How many of you get requests for what you have written to be reduced to a bulleted list? It's like the slightest bit of detail is an imposition. Or the management method of training... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

From the Earth to the Moon was it possible 35 years ago?

I saw the landing on TV back in 1969. I know my grandfather never believed we actually landed. He always thought it was staged. I believed then that we went. I am not so sure now. Which is easier to believe, that aliens crashed in Roswell in 1947 or that we went to the moon in 1969? The government... Sign in to see full entry.

Ever growing pile of eBay

As I continue to clean I am finding more and more stuff to post on eBay. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

The process of removal continues

I am on another cleaning binge. Before it ends I need to clear some space here. So I rented a storage unit to move some unused furniture that I still need to hang on to. Yes I am a messie. Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Interesting little twist this afternoon

One of my neighbors has Alzheimer's. A few minutes ago he had climbed up in the back of my truck and started sweeping out the bed with a broom that I keep back there. (Explanations about why the broom is there cost 50 cents) So when I went out there, his wife was trying to talk him into climbing... Sign in to see full entry.

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