Ready, Fire, Aim! - Mihail's Public Blog: Are men biologically suited to hold political office, leadership positions?

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Wednesday, October 2, 2002

Are men biologically suited to hold political office, leadership positions?

Another interesting article by Maureen Dowd in the New York Times (registration required) on Hillary Clinton's prospects in 2008:

Watching Robert Torricelli mist and mewl, as he was torn from the bosom of the Senate, gave me new pause over that old question: Are men biologically suited to hold political office and leadership positions?

...We've got a tearful Andrew Cuomo getting the vapors and being led away from the governor's race on the strong arms of Bill Clinton and Charlie Rangel. And Jeb Bush crying whenever his daughter is busted.

...The arena is full of powerful men in touch with their powerless inner women. And yet, surrounded by famous men puddling under pressure, American girls are still doubtful about the prospects of a woman becoming president. According to a poll in yesterday's USA Today, 40 percent said they would not see one within 10 years and a grim 14 percent "not in my lifetime."

Are those 14 percent unaware of the Clintonian relentlessness of the junior senator from New York?

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