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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Light Weight

It's strange when we learn something about someone that we've known for a while that makes us realise just how far from that person's reality we really are despite their being close in proximity to us. Not knowing makes our ignorance palatable on the one hand and yet on another level it speaks to the depth of our relationship. The information changed me, changed my thoughts about how I would relate to this person in the future. Helped me understand the why and wherefore of her life. It came so... Sign in to see full entry.

No Spanish Inquisition

I've just finished two large commissioned canvases. They tantalise the eye, teasing them with their bold splashes of colour and irreverent. 'don't tell me I know how I look' sense in the way they hold themselves. The attitude was never intentional, it just emerged from the canvas. I believe most times that's what happens when, as an artist, one begins a new piece. We stare into each others eyes, the canvas and me, half believing that were one of us to look away first, that one, would have... Sign in to see full entry.

Shadow Boxing

This morning I was watching blossom from the Orange tree drift down from the heights. When that happens, they have the same effect on me as snowflakes, there's something completely disarming and enchanting about their dizzying flutter. m It looks for all the world like a manic base-jumping exercise but the pattern and dance is so delicate on the eye that it can be quite mesmerising. I keep waking each day wondering just when the heavenly orange blossom scent will disappear. I find myself... Sign in to see full entry.

Butterfly Kisses

The backyard has some new kids on the block, literally. I was having tea in the backyard with my friend Jase when he spied a large sulphur crested Cockatoo (Cacatua Galerita) in the date palm tree over the back fence. n It seemed to disappear through what might have been its front door among the foliage and be met with some very excitable younger sounding chirping. Well, maybe it was more like clanging pots and pans. I'm not sure how Blackey views these goings-on but I figure he figures that as... Sign in to see full entry.


There are many fine examples in this life of people who change and or have changed our world for the better. Yesterday Steve Irwin's Public Memorial Service reminded us of one such a son. An australian son no less. In his own way and in my opinion, Steve Irwin deserved the title "Digger" (an australianism referring to a Veteran Australian Soldier), because in my mind he was, afterall, a Wildlife Warrior. A soldier in the wars against animal habitat destruction, human re-education, conservation... Sign in to see full entry.

Cross My Heart

There's a childhood practise of making promises by spitting in the palm of your hand and shaking hands with the person with whom you were making the pledge or promise. Kylie Minogue did this exact same thing when she promised to catch up with the woman who interviewed for the first time after her cancer ordeal. She made a promise they'd do the interview again when Minogue turned 50. Just to see how she was travelling. n Issues of political correctness or even hygiene aside, I found it a... Sign in to see full entry.

The Fastest Indian

You'll have to forgive me if I sound parochial but I love a single-minded, kiwi (the world is full of them, just ask anyone who knows one). Burt Munro was a passionate motorcycle enthusiast. He was the owner/builder of his beloved 1920 Indian Scout motorcycle. The movie, ‘The World’s Fastest Indian’ is his story. It made me feel proud to be a kiwi. But not for the reasons you might think. For me, it goes to the fact that “you’re never too old to follow through with a dream.” There is a... Sign in to see full entry.

Charity Case

As summer approaches I’m reminded that it’s the time to pull out our sunniest disposition from behind our darker winter clothing. The clothing store windows are deliciously adorned with feminine florals. I love that these fingers of femininity are running through this new season. A couple of weeks ago they sold the first of the seasons mangoes (which is one of my favourite fruits) at market for $ AUD 25,000 for the box. Of course the proceeds were in aid of charity (as they are every year). The... Sign in to see full entry.

Who's Sorry Now

When was the last time you said sorry? More importantly, did you mean it? I’ve always thought that was no-one else’s business if you meant it or not after you’d delivered the words. I was younger then, hardly lived when I thought that. I like that we can grow out with time. So here’s the thing. Words minus the actions (of an appearance of remorse) give no meaning to the delivery and therefore the words (according to my older self). Are we then to suppose that they are meaningless then? Maybe not... Sign in to see full entry.


The sun has finally come out of hibernation for its longest time in a while in these past few days. The smell of orange blossom adds a piquant aroma to the air in the garden, gives life that added zing! I love the way that the sun plays with *Himself's bushy locks, it's endearing. There's a maternal sense in her touch, light with a natural playfulness and ease. Have you ever been some place that left an indelible mark in your memory? And isn't it funny how our memories play tricks on us, playing... Sign in to see full entry.

Rhythms Of Life

Earlier this year I salvaged a near-to-death Peace Lily from a pot, prised it into six separate plants and repotted them again. Ditto with a Clematis: Rosy Lavendar to Lilac plant. Months later they seem to have taken and have sprung back as six new plants and a healthy reinvigorated climber. It's great news. City life you can make you forget the feel of the more natural seasonal rhythms. It's a shame really because they are so much kinder to our souls. They let us breathe fully instead of us... Sign in to see full entry.

Ties That Bind

I wonder sometimes whether we’ll ever get back to that place where we can feel both shock and horror by all events (both big and small) that should illicit those feelings and emotions from us as fellow human beings. Gosh, I hope so, I really do. Today marks the fifth anniversary of 9/11. Ground Zero is the place where strangers mourn strangers? Where strangers feel a deep sense of shared grief for those taken by a vicious act of vile terrorism. It’s been five years since September 11, 2001. It... Sign in to see full entry.

Stagnant Pause

This whole week has played out like a very surreal nightmare. Today marks the end of a week that no-one here in Australia quite believes has happened to them, yet it has. Emotions have been sent into a tail spin by the deaths of both Steve Irwin on Monday and Peter Brock on Friday. It will serve as a reminder (because we do need to be reminded of it from time to time) to us all of our mortality and the fragile nature of life. And it will remind us that people like Steve Irwin tried everyday to... Sign in to see full entry.

Heartbreak Kid

There’s nothing as delicious as being able to snuggle up on a raging wet, grey day with a good book(s). Have you ever noticed how time stands still? Or how easy it is to get lost in a completely ‘other’ world and not feel that we’re missing out on anything in a sunnier day. Since yesterday I’ve had hunger pangs for that two books in two days feeling, so in keeping with that fickle streak and wanting to ease myself in gently, I started reading Beach House by James Patterson (not to be confused... Sign in to see full entry.

Peter Perfect

It’s been quite a week. Australia lost yet another son today, V8 Super Car driving legend, Peter Brock. They called him Peter ‘Perfect’ he was 61 years old. He will be sadly missed by the driving fraternity. I can’t speak so much about Peter Brock because his was not a real area of interest for me (though I did follow the career of New Zealand driver Possum Bourne); still, he [Brock] was well known and respected by many for his tenacity and fierce competitiveness. He will be missed. Loss is so... Sign in to see full entry.

True Blue Mates

Bob Irwin (father of Steve) made me feel so sad for him as he gave a Press Conference yesterday afternoon at Australia Zoo before a packed media and public crowd. Two things struck me about what he had to say. He spoke of his counsel to his son, "that he must be honest in all his dealings with people" (no matter how big his business interests were growing around him) and he broke the media wonderings about whether there would be a State funeral for Steve. His answer was simple, no there would... Sign in to see full entry.

Simply Irresistable

Does an APPERTISER of Spring Bay scallops infused with chilli nam jum topped with a coriander wasabi followed by a STARTER of Confit of Petuna Ocean trout with a soft green pea puree and glazed apple salad, garnished with a salmon and squid ink then the ENTREE of Szechuan Pepper spiced soft shell crab with salt and pepper Yamba prawns, drizzled in a champagne lime oil accompanied by a lemon sherbert and finally a MAIN comprising Grilled south Australian Hiramasa King Fish with saffron flavoured... Sign in to see full entry.

Wildlife Warrior

He was as large as life itself and there's every indication he looked it square in the eye as well. He loved it, there will never be any doubting that. He called himself a Wildlife Warrior and he was, even to the end. Steve Irwin (The Croc Hunter) died yesterday aged 44 years old. m He was a very rare gem in a very beautiful conservation crown Steve Irwin, what you saw is what you got. And many people everywhere attest to that. There aren't that many celebrities you can say that about. There... Sign in to see full entry.

Long Train Coming

You know I was thinking today that I haven't jumped off a cliff lately (to be read in a figurative sense!) and it feels like I should sometime soon. I've put my hat in the ring for nomination as a Director at my local Bowlo, now that might be a cliff jumping experience to remember! A base jump with a difference even. I feel a sense of aliveness has begun coarsing through my veins again, I'm not sure why exactly, just that it has. And I should respond, right? Of course I should! What about you?... Sign in to see full entry.


My favourite (if it's possible to have a favourite) Spring flowers are freesias. They smell divine and cheer up any out of the way place where you put them and they have a scent with such a sunny disposition it always smells like a so nice to see you scent. Speaking of out of the way. I have a secret little hideaway myself called Bellbird Cottage in the Hunter Valley. It's the place I love to go to gather myself up again. Located just a two hour drive from Sydney on... Sign in to see full entry.

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