Life and Memories

By mariposa75 - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Journal

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cleaning, friends, gardening and sunshine...

Today I cleaned 2 different places. One was a house where an elderly woman lives. She has 2 poodles and 2 cats. I always have a coffee break with her and visit. She has become a friend. The second place is an apartment of a young man. We clean the offices where he works. He has a nice little basement apartment. I am glad to be able to clean it. My husband stayed home today and has been working in the garden, hauling trash and doing errands. He will cleaning tonight at the clinic and I get to... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another late night

It was just Greg and I again on the cleaning crew. After work we watched "Inception." It's the 2nd time I've seen it and it's as strange the 2nd time around. Well, better get to bed. Hope the weather gets warm and sunny again soon. Sign in to see full entry.

Late night

Tonight Greg and I cleaned by ourselves. Our 14 year old was tired after doing gymnastics. Our 21 year old son had come to visit and left with his 19 year old brother to the valley. 16 year old son in his Spanish class with 28 year old brother at community college. Last but not least, little kitten, age 11 home and cozy. Work went well. We weren't working fast, but it was peaceful. I wasn't too tired and felt like working after getting Saturday and Sunday off. Our 21 year old son told me about... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

5 K run

The 5K run/walk went well. We were running to help raise money to "Stop Greg finished in 27 minutes and it took me 43. I was going to walk the whole thing, but ended up jogging then walking alternately when I felt winded. It was fun and I'm glad we did it and I finished! I had a restful day today. The kids were able to clean all the offices but 3, which were done today. I was going to help but got a bad headache for a couple of hours. Thankfully our 21 year old son was here for the weekend and... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 13, 2011

1 minute to write

I'm on my way to a house cleaning job. Then, I come home, shower and get ready to drive 5 hours with my husband to the valley where the 5 K run will be. We're staying overnight at my son and daughter-in-laws, then bright and early we will run/walk a 5 K at 7 am. I'm not an early morning person, so I hope I can get to sleep tonight so I won't be tired tomorrow. I'll let you know if I made it! If I don't that will be really sad. But I know I will, it's about 3 miles and I can walk that easy, as I... Sign in to see full entry.

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