
By marieclaire66 - About Me - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

rotten company

Spotty caulis and dubious cabbage Sludgy soup fomenting sewage Shady ham intent on harm Rabid salami and slimy sausage Moldy cheese and crummy bread Secretly plot a tasty revenge. Trying to avert ruthless cleanout They sink deeper and deeper Into the fridge’s bottom drawer. Hideous smell has blown... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 12, 2006

cold morning

One cosy little bundle Under a mountain of blankets I emerge From my cocoon First the head Then the arms Then the legs One at a time One foot Then two Touching The ground I am up! Sign in to see full entry.

A dog with a spoon

I hear no bark But I feel a bite On my right hand Ouch! It woke me up! What time is it? It's past midnight. Where am I? That’s right, asleep What’s with the spoon? Oh I remember It’s just a dream A dog with the spoon A white French poodle Yes so angry He was after me Was not he… Kept biting A metal... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I am sorrow I am joy

I am sorrow I am joy I am all you need to know I have fallen I have cried Every tear has been dried I have laughed and I have loved All that there is to love and hate I am your Father your God Who has suffered through it all I am your Father your God The one that comforts you most I hold you close... Sign in to see full entry.

The face of embarrassment

The face of embarrassment Give me a bucket a lampshade A paper bag or a blanket Anything to cover my head So you can’t see my face. As I freeze on the spot wishing the earth would swallow me I wait for my burning cheeks to cool off a bit And try to listen for my heart beat To make sure I am still... Sign in to see full entry.

to blog or not blog that is the question.

to blog or not blog that is the question. yes, i hate to admit it but I am becoming addicted to this blogging business, I only started blogging a few weeks ago, and already I find myself looking forward to hearing your comments guy. I am becoming a comment junky giving and receiving them. I don't... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

On boredom. A fascinating topic.

i think boredom is a mild form of depression if it happens often. I must say it has been the bane of my life so I understand. My first port of call is chocolate, then the phone, a good book, or blogging. Well sometimes nothing works and that's awful. When I delve a little deeper, I discover, that... Sign in to see full entry.

seasong sunshine

The sea lies still In the warm afternoon Stretching lazily, Smoothing a path for me. The sea sings a lullaby And rocks me gently The sea lulls me to sleep On a warm sandy beach The sun kisses the sea Good night Bathing the beach In gold. The sea waves me Good bye sparkling a thousand diamonds In my... Sign in to see full entry.


Excuse the wacky disturbed poem my brain is oozing with pain that needs to get out of my system i did not mean to make it a poem but I can't help thinking in verse. Here comes the sorry poem, You'll be sorry you read it, no kidding, i guess I have to laugh at myself it is better than crying at least... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, June 9, 2006

just for today

JUST FOR TODAY Just for today I will get up And say hello to a new day Just for today I will comb my hair And smile in the mirror Just for today I will wipe the tear away And set out to play With the sunset The flowers The light Dancing in the trees I will catch the birds In full flight And steal... Sign in to see full entry.

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