ladroars poems and art

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Yellow ! Some do say is the colour of intelligence

Yellow The man is yellow, I know he is. Paradise is chinese takeaways Kimono girls, Italian men dancing with French woman on English oak tables, Irish monks ringing church bells, Spanish bull fighters diving from rocks into mediterranean sea swells The man is yellow, he paints blue skies looking through Picasso's eyes, the man hears sunflowers talking about Van Gough's ear and sometimes sheds a yellow tear and his angels are all named Michael and Satan disappears. The thief in the night lights... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Just how short life seems, has I get older

Three Score Years and Ten My breath touched the window Smeared I wrote my name Look! Now It's clear Again Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Blind Love

I offer you the olive branch You hit me with a log I pass you the peace pipe You blow smoke towards my face I forgive you, I kiss you my Princess You lay your lips apon me I turn into a frog Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I just sat thinking about art, this was my imaginations answer !

Art is your eye Peacocks exploding colour in an autumn sky, lighting a tinder dry rope molded by clouds that sail by Art is your eye, it can make you cry, I try not to looking at a reflection of a tear rolling down my cheek in your eye but you laugh at the lines on my face, you tell me they remind you of a garden gate you used to swing on as a child Art is your eye, it's true would I lie to you? With a saliva wet tongue that catches a glint from the sun and becomes a silver pink whale leaping... Sign in to see full entry.

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