Tuesday, November 21, 2023
I found this alley, it's not hard in this city I slink down the wall, it's scratching my back My head is bleeding, dripping down my face through my eye and into my mouth The fire escapes over my head smell rusty from the mist in the air The streetlight is casting a pie shape light, distorting...
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Friday, March 10, 2017
For my Dad RIP
Ive lost someone I love. I will exhaust myself trying to figure out why. I will be sad and cry. I will be angry and yell. But it won't ever reconcile in my head. The grief will change, morph into acceptance but it won't putty that emotional nail hole taken out of my heart. I will always be weird...
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And i’ll drive away from here with nothing more than a backwards wave and dissociated eye contact. I’ll leave you all, some to do better and some to force the hand of realization. I’ll have the peace. Ill have the freedom. For I’ve never been free. Ill be able to take a deep breath and blow it out,...
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
This Guy I Know
Theres this guy I know brilliant, safe and good I cant get enough of him My heart is his home. He resides there A permanent fixture Secure in all he does sane, and even keel but guarded still He Inspires tenderness in my laughs and puts air under my feet And even though Im alone I feel him with me...
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Monday, December 24, 2007
New Poem.......READ IT OR ELSE!!!!!!
Love isn’t the same anymore It isn’t what I thought it would be I wish I could love you as you want me to But I know I need to set you free What will it take for you to leave How much more damage can we do You want us to be together But how can I trust you You promised me finer things Nimble fingers...
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I’m leaving this me behind To find the one I know The voice I recognize And I will use this voice To comfort my children To explain my point And yell my displeasure To scream out my ecstacy And nourish my love This me needs to grow To be whole To be the things I am To never know again Self doubt and...
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Monday, April 2, 2007
New Poem.......READ IT OR ELSE!!!!!!
I have a goal in mind I have a dream to work with In the year of turmoil I’ve learned to make things happen My manipulations My half truths The little white lies that turned into middle of the night chats The concerns of choices made right or wrong I have been handed pockets full of erasers that...
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Poet Octavio Paz.............Very Beautiful
Garabato Con un trozo de carbón. Con mi gis roto y mi lápiz rojo dibujar tu nombre el nombre de tu boca, el signo de tus piernas en la pared de nadie. En la puerta prohibida grabar el nombre de tu cuerpo. Hasta que la hoja de mi navaja sangre y la piedra grite y el muro respire como un pecho
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Read It .....I Dare You....................................................
Breaking My heart is breaking each word or syllable hammers it further into my chest the giant hands of love flatten my existence to nothing pictures of you fall carelessly in a circle on the Formica countertop your eyes bore holes in my soul the same eyes that once loved me and never left mine now...
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Monday, September 12, 2005
I HATE YOU.................................................................
As I fall into the ether of my mind I start to forget what makes me laugh The frown lines on my face get deeper and it seems my mouth is always fashioned into a pout expecting something to happen....it never does counting on someone always lets you down I can trace the fingernail marks down my wall...
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