The Reverend Kooka Speaks About Religious Bulls#!t

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Sunday, March 28, 2004

Why we need to believe

In some ways I find it amazing that after all this time groups of man still feel they need to believe in a higher power that has power over them. The original reason why we created these' gods' is gone, we now have the science to figure it out for ourselves. Since story telling is the oldest form of... Sign in to see full entry.

More exceptions than rules

That is what it seems like Christianity is becoming. My last post on Hitler brought a lot of this idea out. Now the general rule as presented by the Bible and by the Church is this "Any Christian who believes and asks for forgiveness will be forgiven and get to go to heaven." But then we get in to... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Christ died so that People like Hitler could go to Heaven

From everything we are taught about the New testament, Hitler has a much better chance of going to Heaven than I do. Why? He believed in Christ. That is it. Now first off let us dispel a few misunderstandings that some Christians hold to. Hitler was a Christian. The only true requirement to be... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

The Battle is still on

I am going to take my logic form my last post, that there is a God and the Bible ended up being the easiest way for him to explain the universe to the people at the time it was written. And that does answer a lot os questions and puts some ideas into order. But then it leaves a few big ones. We have... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Let's answer some questions and connect a few dots

By now most of you know how I feel about religion and God and all that. But this post will be a little different than my others. I'll start off with the idea that there is a God and answer my own question. Where did God come from? What would make the most sense is somehow at the time of the Big Bang... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Let's just run around in circles

I have time and time again asked the Christians here one simple question, 'Where did God come from?' Yes, I know the Bible claims he has no beginning, but I am not buying that. Wells o far I have gotten some great dancing out of this question. The most recent being from Skidd, 'Where did God come... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

The Christians and their killing of the great American civilizations

Went to the Museum of Nature and Science today. They are right now doing a big exhibit on Machu Picchu. I was looking trough one of the books they had out on the history of these great people. As with all of the groups of natives from both North and South America, the Incas were a very impressive... Sign in to see full entry.

God, the great destroyer of marriages

Let us take two people. they go and get married. They get along great. They are about the most perfect couple you have ever seen. they go and have kids and are just doing everything right to have a family and be a good people. Then one day one of them (We'll go with the husband in this case)... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Us atheists are evil I guess

I just love it when someone makes a comment to me that is almost a whole Blog subject in and of itself. Cantey left me this one, "Its interesting that you mention watching the left hand and ignoring the right. Thats right. Thats what that comment I posted was trying to get across. WE have a evil and... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Stop thinking and just believe

That should be the motto of any church. It seems to be what is begin taught and the basic mind set of most who come along and try to tell me why there is a God. Look back through the debates we have ben having here as of late. Most of what comes back to me is that there is a point in which I should... Sign in to see full entry.

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