Aspirations with Coffee Anytime!

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Friday, August 25, 2023

The sunshines this August morning 25, TGIF!

I had a wonderful sleep last night. The night before I was out at my friends and slept on their couch, shesh that was not pleasant at all! haha Oh well, not all the time once in awhile. After I poured my coffee I took a walk on the deck, looking down at the grass that has finally grew back. Looks... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Happy Monday! August 21st

Yes another Monday is upon us! Ha I do enjoy a new week. Look over what I had done last week. How everything went and what i need to do for this week, to finish or catch up on. I have a nice big calander on my wall for writing everything down and highlighting important and least important. Mark... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20th Sunday- self care kinda day!

Sitting here looking outside, sipping my coffee and thinking of the day. Yes, it will be a wonderful day of relaxing and self care. Ill go for a walk outside with my coffee and take a look at the yard and flowers. Everything is growing so well. Will also be a fun writing day! I have some books I... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

August 17th Wednesday- hope for rain.

I had a wonderful sleep last night and woke to sunshine in my room. Yes it will be a wonderful day. Most house work things are done so I can focus on business stuff and writing stuff. Last day of my days off so enjoying my time at home. Doing this and that. When I walk outside with my coffee in the... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday August 16th- so much sunshine and home day!

It is a lovely sunshiny morning right now. Almost everything is green and lovely, the grass will grow back. I might need to water it today along with the other flowers and garden too. This day I have decided to do all the fun things that make me happy, love in spite of myself. So reading, writing,... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tuesday August 15th- more sunshine.

It has been a small bit stressful latly. The landlord came over and cut the grass so short to the point of seeing dirt. If I would have know I would have not said yes. Its very sad and depressing. I loved my grass and the yard was so lovely. Now looks burnt and like fall. It was a hot day. So trying... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Wednesday 9th August- 730-2, but now glad to be home.

I feel that the rainy weather has made alot of people at work overly cranky. Yes it is damn and gross and wet. But! The robins are enjoying them selves, same with the garden. Usually I spend aot of time outside during the summer on warm days. Last few days its been to damn, so I stay in and do the... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday August 7th, Happy Monday! house work and yard work

Goodmorning! Yes I am on my Monday off and getting my day ready. I sure do enjoy Monday Mornings. Sunshine, birds are singing and a new week to set goals and set plans for adventures ahead! The house is a little out of order. Messes here and there. I start projects, then leave them and start... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

August 5, Saturday- Tea this afternoon.

I am greatful to be home. Work day was dragging on. Since I worke da 7-2 shift I get up early and home at 2. Im so so sleepy! So I will usually have a nap after work, then my energy is back up for the rest of the evening. Exciting news! i got a new second job. Im very excite. Living on my own with... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

August 2nd Wednesday. The storm kept me up

Last night we once again had a storm during the night. It makes me nervous since I hear stories of tornadoes ripping through towns in the night when people are sleeping. Thankfully it was just a storm. Im a little sleepy but not to bad. Ill have a nap later on this evening at 3pm or so. Now sitting... Sign in to see full entry.

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