Saturday, December 30, 2023
Good-morning my Friends! Such a lovely morning it is. Sitting here in my living room, coffee to my left and soft music playing in the corner. Looking at the undressed tree needs to go outside. Boxes that still need to be unpacked that I took out of the spare room. Today and tomorrow will be busy... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Happy Friday! Christmas is over, now what ha
It was here and now it is gone, Christmas! Every year we wait and plan for this one special day. But the Christmas spirit was really thick and heavy even with no snow. Why is it that the white cold romantic flutter of soft flakes in the moon light makes it feel more like Christmas? It was a... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Wednesday! Blue mug of goal setting! And work too ha
It is a wonderful Wednesday morning!❄️ At work till 430. Today I have brought the Christmas cards I need to write out and send to family and friends. Might be a little late, but better late then never. Id like to add a small family pictures in each card and a little note of what we have bene doing... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Tuesday already? blue mug happiness!
🔆Good morning my friends🔆 🌜I had a wonderful sleep last night. Woke up fresh and ready to go for the day! Sleep and rest is so very important, more then people think. No weird dreams. Startled a few times by the cats but I was able to go back to sleep.🌛 ❄️As I drove to work, soft snow was... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
I had my coffee with mom and dad
Last night we went to the paents for supper and decorating the tree. Their tree is alot fuller then ours and we got them from the same place. But thats okay. We listened to music had a few drinks and added red and gold to her tree this year. Last year she had blue and silver. Looks lovely! After dad... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Yes, home! Enjoying the Christmas tree
🎄Goodmorning my friends! The tree is up and so lovely We decorated our sweet little tree. Its so sweet and small, I just love it. I went with blue and gold this year. As I was trying to find the decorations. Gold is a color I have very few of. I'll get some more of this color when the sales come... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, December 15, 2023
TGIF! Dec 15th. Office coffee ha
Good morning my friends! 🌞☕ ⌚The days are going by so much faster then I can handle. Trying to get everything done and running out of steam! ha⏰ 🎇But tonight my son will be over to help with the tree. Decorating the tree is my one most favorite thing to do at Christmas time! The smell, the feel of... Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Happy Monday! day off and Home!
Good Morning my friends!☕ Coffee and sunshine with my fingers on the key board is my favorite way to start my morning! Outside the sun is shinning. Its a lovely morning. I had a great sleep, strange dreams but thats fine. Having one day off a week can be a little stressful. We have only been in this... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Morning time! Dec 7th
Good morning my Friends!! The morning started off to early haha. I feel like I just have not been able to have enough sleep lately. I know I need to catch up on it yet again. I had my first morning coffee at home before I drove to work and enjoyed the second cup on the drive. I had a third one here... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Tuesday Morning at the office
Thinking of my new home and what still needs to be done. Yesterday while we were not home. Landlord came and took a bunch of stuff to the dump for me that was wonderful. Also he has a futon that is not being used and will give to us. We really need a sofa of some sort. Don't realize how much they... Sign in to see full entry.