Deep Poetry for Friday, May 13, 2011

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Friday, May 13, 2011


What is a Friend? Some one to offer hanky when teardrops fall Someone to shout at you when you don't think at all. I wasn't so blest to have friends who would offer me hanky when a tear falls to tell me consolation when I am down, to pull me up when I am about to drown. Who is a friend? I don't know well. My mother told me once, “You don't know how to find good friends.” That has bothered me since. I really wondered if it was true, that I won't be endowed with a friend so true. Where can we find... Sign in to see full entry.

Unfaithful Steps

I don't trust you now. I have to talk about it. But I don't know how Because I am still so weak. I must forget your eyes And I must shut the door. I'm ready to pay this price Doesn't scare me any more. Don't you hear my soul screams Every night and every day? How coud you break all my dreams? You gave no chance to stay. Now you have much time To think about my life. But you don't want to try And it makes me cry. My angel couldn't save my soul And I lost myself. I know it's my own fault That my... Sign in to see full entry.


People say love enlivens the world can get you in heaven can breathe life into your decaying body I listened I was easily taught was made a dream walker I started believing I could teach love spread love market love My pet was the first target-the dog dying and screaming asking for help I approached taught him love within minutes It died Its pubs too I learned love was infectious made to be infectious. Sign in to see full entry.

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