DR. DRIVE BY for Friday, April 30, 2004

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Friday, April 30, 2004


DOUBLE TALK This is the most effective weapon in the Islamic arsenal, especially in America. As anyone who has seen a newscast featuring 'interviews' with Moslem 'students' can attest, ambivalence rules. When these sham interlocutions fade one's left vacuous, as befits the absence of reasoned... Sign in to see full entry.


DEATH OF THE BLACK AMERICAN FAMILY One must first ask why do 'African Americans' consider the destruction of a familial system an attractive 'life style' option? A better question: What machinations are the equal results environmentalist complex contemplating? Bear in mind that CRAC is a paradise... Sign in to see full entry.


TO NIGHT WE SHALL CONSIDER THE PROBABILITY OF WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON ASSUMING THE ROLE OF A POST-INDUSTRIAL BLACK MOSES William Jefferson Clinton shares the methodologies of 20th century African despots; he proliferates disruptions; disruption is the progenitor of all sorts of enmity. Enmity... Sign in to see full entry.

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