aceblade's works

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Sunday, September 5, 2010


jungle beating melody motions them to trott faster dancing wildly around the fire blazing light HOT with dust filled air chanting painted bodies pierced burned and tattoed villiage vigilanties under the same moon-light that basks us all on what we call a Sunday night... Sign in to see full entry.

survival instinct is simplistic love and faith nothing else matters Sign in to see full entry.

soul's retrieval

soul retrieved by God energy purified mixing itself and dissolving into another time and place glorious in itself released from it's shell like a genie in a bottle Sign in to see full entry.

night's rise

murkey branches within thick waters as swooping wings take flight dimming sun's light fades as a new night begins Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

dream thoughts

through cliffs of clover I heard angel wings fluttering about standing still I feel ALIVE tho nervous from thier energy. yet I stand.. a bullet with butterfly wings floating and piercing unbalanced epiphanies thoughts of perception swing from the vines of my tears... come to me I whisper... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

lowered down lightning bugs illuminate specs of a night night filled with surprises flickering about Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

childhood innocence

Tonight, while traveling to Atlanta, my wife and I, tired from driving, stopped in and got a hotel room for the night. My two-year old daughter, Lily, thought it was the best thing since sliced bread! She made me realize or remember what it was like to be a child...when simple things, like spending... Sign in to see full entry.

smoke break

cherry hot ashes pull a breath smoke deep inside heart seems to chill for a brief thought of relaxation sadistically medicating my demeanor Sign in to see full entry.


and as the lids of my eyes grow heavy and what's within begins to burn my soul mellows as does my mind a hard day behind me and tomorrow may be a gift so I lay my head and give my "I love you's" to my hearts... all but memories now and all but hopes to see Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pitty Party

untamed rage amidst misunderstood confusion felt in every crivace of each drop within me.. frustrated words spu on my new wardrobe regrets drench my conscience... if only words directed in this direction knew thier colateral damage maybe they would never have been presented at my pitty-party....... Sign in to see full entry.

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